Argiope aurantia the common garden spider. yesterday i was at my grandfathers house.(he is a botnist) and i say a very large garden spider.almost like an instinct i wanted to hold it ,if you dont no what they are they are about 1.2'' diameter and are a beautiful yellow .so i went on toask my granfather about it. he said that when ever he finds there eggs in he brings them back to his house and releases them into his flower beds and all over and around his house.after further inspection i noticed that they were evey where,there were webs in every flower garden.i asked him if they were poisionus .he wasnt sure but he went out a ript one from its web and placed it in my hand.i must admit i was a lil shakey i am use to tarrantulas but this was completly diffrent as it walked across my arm it spun a web that coverd my arm in no time .(it was a amazingly strong.after holding him for a few minutes a let her go.i am quit proud of my self ,when i was a child i hated those spiders i was flat out terrified of them but not any qestion is .is it very poisionus.also is it true that in japan they raise these spiders and compete them to see who has the largest one?