Had to post, I just got my first tarantula ever!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Alright, I've been interested in tarantulas since I was a little girl, but of course my parents never would let me keep something like that. In fact, they wouldn't let me keep anything outside of a couple rats until they divorced and I was in high school, then suddenly it was OK to get millipedes and a couple exotic roaches. Tarantulas were still off limits, though (as were scorps of course, lol). Back then I fell in love with cobalt blues which were still pretty expensive in the pet trade and seemed like a new thing at the time.

Years later, I move out, and I've been living with my fiance for around 5 years now and I once again wasn't able to keep inverts at all, as they creep him out. Finally half a year ago he said it was ok to get millipedes, and of course that opened the door to a wide range of things.

Valentine's day this year? I told him if he lets me get a few more millipede species, then he didn't have to do anything for me, and he said yes!! SOOooooo... I pushed my luck and asked about a tarantula. He once again said it was ok and let me add a sling to my order from Tarantula, Inc.

After much debating and research, I decided my first tarantula was going to be a chaco golden knee, and I ordered a 1/2" sling. It's ADORABLE right now!! It arrived two days ago and I haven't tried feeding it yet, but will probably attempt it tonight (wanted it to settle in a little).

I put a milk cap in the container with it but removed it today, was just concerned about it finding water, but I've been spraying the side of the container anyway.

I want to call it "Paco Chaco", my man wants to call it "Fluffy" or "Snuggles", lol. I forced him to look at the tarantula and he had to declare that there was no way he could be afraid of that tiny thing, so we've got a while before that "tiny thing" becomes more formidable and menacing.

Just had to boast and be all happy about the little bum we have now! Yes the milk cap is gone from the container now.. but you can see his size, TINY little thing!



Feb 18, 2009
So I'm new to all of this, the T that I have(first one just got her a few days ago) is close to being full grown. But I just have to know what in the would do you feed to something that tiny?!? He/She is SUPER cute, never thought I'd call a spider cute, but it is all the same! Congrats on your new addition!


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
Congratulations and welcome to the addiction. I also started with one and I have 33 now and always shopping.


Old Timer
Nov 22, 2008
Congrats! What a cutie you have there!

Like Tmanjim said, it's addictive. Got my first pet store Rosie in early December '08 and received number 15 today - a big, gorgeous 4"+ female A. geniculata.

When I started researching Ts, the Cobalt blue was the first one that caught my eye because they are so pretty but I still don't have one. Everything I've read says they're "pet holes" and I prefer the ones that stay out in the open more often so I can watch them.

Anybody want to bet with me that OP's fiance is going to fall in love with Paco Chaco and instead of bringing her flowers and candy, will bring her Ts instead? {D


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
You wont be dissapointed with a chaco. I got mine in september at .25" and now its like 2.5" and showing adult color! Deffenetly one of my favorite Ts. Big, Docile, Colorful. Bet you can't just stop at 1 T :D


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Ok, i am about to sound like a broken record... but here it goes lol...

This is an awesome species! I bought my girl just a little over the size of yours several years ago. Sold my collection off several times, even sold off my first tarantula in one of the sales which was a 6" B. smithi female, for 50.00!! BUT i NEVER sold my chaco!

Her name is 'big girl' and she is probably the most docile tarantula i have ever set my eyes upon. All these years and she is still my favorite, being the only one that i have ever named other than my first emperor scorpion "claudia" (RIP). Here is a pic of what you can expect yours to look like a few years down the road... they are like big teddy bears!



Old Timer
Oct 16, 2008
Congratulations to you, I think that Golden Knee will be a wonderful tarantula. I happen to think that they are beautiful once they begin to show colors.


Old Timer
Jan 10, 2009
awesome T this is still on my to get list,beautiful Ts! and welcome to the addiction!


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
So I'm new to all of this, the T that I have(first one just got her a few days ago) is close to being full grown. But I just have to know what in the would do you feed to something that tiny?!? He/She is SUPER cute, never thought I'd call a spider cute, but it is all the same! Congrats on your new addition!
When they are that small you can feed them pinhead crickets (baby crickets) or other small crickets. Some species of T's are much more aggressive when hunting food than others and will take down prey you would think was too big. My GBB and L. parahybana would easily take down crickets that were as large or larger than they were at that size....quite impressive to watch.

oh, and congrats pouchedrat :) Better start saving shelf space now, your collection will grow faster than you anticipate haha! I started off with a A. seemani and within a year and a half I had added four or five more (tame by some comparisons) as well as branched in to scorpions and centipedes.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Thanks everyone!! Oh, a tarantula for Valentine's day every year? I wish, but somehow I doubt my guy would be that lenient when it comes to T's. Millipedes maybe.

He's already admitted that he feels a strange sort of affection for the little guy, especially since it's so small. MAYBE I can convert him to actually liking inverts? Maybe..... He still doesn't like reptiles and amphibians! Strangely enough, my rats won him over to rodents almost immediately, lol.

OH I bought 3 pinhead crickets last night and tried one on the tarantula... being my first time trying to feed one, it was a strange experience. I plopped it in the container, and watched as the cricket proceeded to CHASE the tarantula around and tried biting his legs!!!! Anyhow, out went the cricket, and I shoved the three crickets in one of my millipede tanks for now (I figure it's only three.. they'll probably grow and die.. and there's no baby 'pedes currently who might be harmed or have to compete for food).

So I moved Paco Chaco into a smaller container, about the size of a babyfood jar, basically, and rolled up a tiny square of cardboard into a sort of half-pipe hiding area for him. THEN I plopped two tiny mealworms from a CAN of worms I bought, they're dead already, and you know what? As soon as I closed the lid, he snatched them up immediately!!!

I have one wuss of a tarantula apparently, but honestly if he accepts prekilled so readily, all the better.

I can definitely see why this would be so addictive, and I've only had him for a few days now!


Old Timer
Jan 29, 2009
Thanks everyone!! Oh, a tarantula for Valentine's day every year? I wish, but somehow I doubt my guy would be that lenient when it comes to T's. Millipedes maybe.

He's already admitted that he feels a strange sort of affection for the little guy, especially since it's so small. MAYBE I can convert him to actually liking inverts? Maybe..... He still doesn't like reptiles and amphibians! Strangely enough, my rats won him over to rodents almost immediately, lol.

OH I bought 3 pinhead crickets last night and tried one on the tarantula... being my first time trying to feed one, it was a strange experience. I plopped it in the container, and watched as the cricket proceeded to CHASE the tarantula around and tried biting his legs!!!! Anyhow, out went the cricket, and I shoved the three crickets in one of my millipede tanks for now (I figure it's only three.. they'll probably grow and die.. and there's no baby 'pedes currently who might be harmed or have to compete for food).

So I moved Paco Chaco into a smaller container, about the size of a babyfood jar, basically, and rolled up a tiny square of cardboard into a sort of half-pipe hiding area for him. THEN I plopped two tiny mealworms from a CAN of worms I bought, they're dead already, and you know what? As soon as I closed the lid, he snatched them up immediately!!!

I have one wuss of a tarantula apparently, but honestly if he accepts prekilled so readily, all the better.

I can definitely see why this would be so addictive, and I've only had him for a few days now!

He/She is not necessarily a wuss, crickets are mean little buggers. I much prefer my lateralis roaches. I would still worry about the crickets biting the adult millipede(s). The thing about crickets is that they seem to be fearless when it comes to what they will eat.

Wait until your T molts, when it happened with my rosea I was so excited I had to take the exuviam and show everyone I could find.


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2008
Congrats on your first one!!! The first is always the best one!!!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Oh I do know crickets can be bold things. I used to keep old world chameleons and we'd have to keep the crickets in cups for the chameleons to eat out of, otherwise they'd just crawl up onto the chameleon's back and begin eating them.

Once again, thanks everyone. My biggest problem now is to just leave him alone and stop looking at the container every few hours.


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
OMG!!! Adorable isn't nearly enough word for Paco Chaco. He's . . . Fabulouso!!! I got my first Chaco for my fourth T. "Scooter" is now 3" and somehow I now have forty permanent residents and 70 OBT slings I'm selling. Momma OBT, "Mars" had 143 little ones last June.

Here's a tip for re: fiancé. Give him a T for his next birthday! Tell him you wanted him to have one for his very own. If that works, the two of you will want to get a place with an extra room. T's seem to grow in numbers all on their own.

Thanks for posting, great story!


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
Congratulations to both pouchedrat and sjeckert6297!! :clap:
Welcome to the hobby (addiction)!!

Pouchedrat; your new G.aureostriata is as DD said - Fabuloso!! It really just doesn't get any cuter than that, lol! Good luck not staring a hole in him/her...you're gonna need it! :D
G.aureos are so full of 'personality' and are such good eaters that the fiance' won't stand a chance of not falling in love with him/her, hehehe. Just wait until you get to watch the 'spider rodeo' when it finally catches it's first cricket. It's hilarious!
It sounds like you did all your homework beforehand and your new kiddo is going to enjoy a long and happy life!
Congrats again! :clap:


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2007
Welcome to the addiction! We got our chaco like a year ago as a free-bee at about 3/4 of an inch and it has grown alot! Here it is!,

scar is my t

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2008
cant wait till i move out my gram will only let me have one t (its because of rent) the bugger is making her burrow bigger now only about 6 years till im 18 =( but oh well i got my n coloratovillisus and im pretty darn smart with t's but i get the itch to get another t even when someone offerd to give me a free a versicolor (he had perfect reviews also) i would pay for shipping but my gram still said no and i said to ask steve if i could have anopther t (steve is my landlord nice guy and also is the discrit atorny). oh and one thing about me i can act like a girl a little bit but im a heartless noob killing halo player guy right bellow the crust and when comparing me with a planet im still all magma so im most of the time that noob killing machine!

KoF Ripsaw (xbox live and halo 1 for pc (kof is for the pc knightsclan.info))
*grunt goes flying through the air* =P