H.minax VS longidum


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
H.minax VS longepedium

why is there such a huge difference in price btwn the 2? If i wanted a mean big, black, OW T couldnt the longepedium fit the bill just as well as the minax? Sean put me on to the longepedium after telling him that i was going to purchase a Haplopelma sp. for a friend. He said that the longepedium was practically the same, just that the longepedium is more common than the minax. Is it as simple as supply & demand? Or am I missing something?

EDIT: - sorry all, typo on longepedium * (thanks sean)
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Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
longipedum is the cheap version of the minax some people confuse them with the real minax i guess.

Maybe some of the other guys who know this genre could give more insite onto what seperates them and what is the diffrence between them.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
The H. minax is exceedingly more rare in the hobby lately, and in my opinion, alot nicer looking. It is entirely black, with only a few moss green hilights when freshly molted, while the Haplopelma sp. "longipedum" can be almost bluish in color, with very noticable abdomen chevrons. (I'd more compare it to a not so pretty Haplopelma lividum, and compare the Haplopelma sp. "aureopilosum" to a not so pretty Haplopelma minax)

If you aren't aware of it, the reason I write them as Haplopelma sp. "species" is because both the longipedum and aureopilosum are not defined species yet.

If you really want a nice looking Haplopelma, that gets big and has an additude to match, get an H. schmidti.



Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by conipto
The H. minax is exceedingly more rare in the hobby lately, and in my opinion, alot nicer looking. It is entirely black, with only a few moss green hilights when freshly molted, while the Haplopelma sp. "longipedum" can be almost bluish in color, with very noticable abdomen chevrons. (I'd more compare it to a not so pretty Haplopelma lividum, and compare the Haplopelma sp. "aureopilosum" to a not so pretty Haplopelma minax)

If you aren't aware of it, the reason I write them as Haplopelma sp. "species" is because both the longipedum and aureopilosum are not defined species yet.

If you really want a nice looking Haplopelma, that gets big and has an additude to match, get an H. schmidti.

Isnt it Haplopelma sp. "longipedum" that some pet stores and crooked dealers try to sell off as minax though???I thought it was anywayz i guess im wrong becaue im comparing pics right now and i see what you mean, but even then aureopilosum slingsa arnt outragous or even close to minax, but i guess because minax is rare, it seems like a few years back everyone was selling them off, what is it that serperates aureopilosum from minax??


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
True minax are rare (I believe they have only a small locality that isn't often collected from - I may be wrong)

I don't think it's a case of them getting less common - more that we can now tell the difference between minax and other black Asian spp.

Bear in mind that the vast majority of black Asian T's imported into the US/European pet trade over the last 15 or so years were probably never H minax in the first place....