I noticed taht the abdomen on my cobalt blue tarantula is kind of small. I am not sure how big an average size for that speices is, but it seems smaller then it should be. It eats and all, so I don't know what the problem is. Any ideas?
or i think did it just go through a molt? would be a slightly better ?.... but, if ya think it's too skinny, try feeding it a pinkie, or other vert. prey... it seems to fatten T's up like nothing else...
My H. Lividum has a smallish abdomen she was wild caught. Man did have to work to get rid of scuttle flies!! She fed great when I first got her but then wound up not liking the potting soil and peat moss substrate. She couldn't build a comfortable enough burrow. I changed the substrate to a mix of shredded coconut shell and vermiculite and she has settled nicely into her new home. She has built a burrow just like you read about and her appetite is getting better. Hope to fatten her up a bit myself!! =D =D
Actually, it did molt about a week and a half ago. I feed it crickets every 4-5 days, and it usually takes about 5 or 6 each time, refusing any more. I have tried to feed it a pinkie, but rejects them, which is odd, because it used to indulge in pinkies, but stopped for whtever reason.
First I believe (and could easily be mistaken on this) that the cobalt has a smaller abdomen in general. I've never seen a very "plump" abdomen on a HL but then again it's not like I've seen hundreds.
My "Kitana" has molted about 2 weeks ago and looks really awesome save for her small abdomen. She is smaller than I've ever seen her but I attribute most of it to her fasting pre-molt.
Now I am feeding her 4-6 crickets twice a week, sometimes more if I have more crix on hand. I'm thinking of offering more to see if she will take more and fatten up some. She's never taken a pinky for me but I'll try again soon and hope she will.
I'm not too too worried as she is eating again with good appetite. I hope to see her fill out soon!
i agree, now that i think about it, not many i have seen really have a big abdomen, but mine still seems a tad small. i'll try again in a few days with a pinkie, or even an anole maybe. it eats fine and all, so im not worried about that, but im just concerned about it
The Haplopelma are generally slimmer in comparison to New World T's. In my experience, they can eat quite a bit and look slim again in a few days. The asians may have a bit of a higher metabolism. Haploman or LaRiz may be able to help you with that one as well as some other experienced Old Worlders here like Martin or others.
If it is refusing food and the abdomen is shrinking, I'd start to worry a bit. Try changing substrate as Noboyscout mentioned. If it isn't eating and it's already molted, it's not happy about something. The key is finding that "something" and making the appropriate changes. Good luck.
I'd have to echo Botar here.. they don't get too fat. When my Haplopelma sp. "aureopilosum" female finally tired of MrDeranged's male and had him for dinner, she was quite a fatty. Two days after that, she looked underfed compared to an average NW T. All of the Haplo's I've had stay pretty small, but I'm not really a power-feeder.
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