Guam Brown Tree Snake Eradication: Bad News for People & Wildlife


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2009
Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo.
As a Bronx Zoo animal-keeper in the early 1980’s, I became involved in a breeding program for Guam Rails and Micronesian Kingfishers. Both birds were facing extinction due to a most unusual threat – the introduced Brown Tree Snake, Boiga irregularis. Back then, major problems caused by trans-located snakes were unknown. Although Burmese Pythons had been established in Florida since the early 70’s, these now-famous invaders had not yet grabbed the public’s attention. A zoologist friend journeyed to Guam to investigate, and he was soon regaling me with fantastic stories. In keeping with its species name, this snake was most “irregular” – biting at the moving eyelids of sleeping children, stealing burgers from grills, and often being found in bird cages – too engorged to slip back out after having swallowed the family pet! Today, the rail and kingfisher are gone from Guam, and other birds, lizards and bats have become extinct. Yet the Brown Tree Snake has not, as was predicted, eaten itself into oblivion. Huge populations – to 13,000 snakes per square mile – are sustained by other prolific invaders, one of which is the Green Anole! Read the rest of this article here
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Best Regards, Frank

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Actually, the situation is much worse. A friend there has been keeping me updated. Between the very sporadic assistance from the US Gov (standard reply to many ongoing issues to US citizens resident there is go to Hawaii or San Diego to Gov agency X to solve your problem), the expanding military installation, and an extraordinarily laconic attitude among many of the residents, the prevailing attitude is the place is future history ecologically speaking so why bother.

The latest power outage there, which happens about once every 2 weeks, was, amazingly, not directly related to the snakes climbing the power poles and shorting things out. This most recent one was some GI's shooting at a glop of snakes and accidentally hitting a transformer. I suppose you can still blame the snakes.


Old Timer
Feb 24, 2013
Interesting article, though I think the title is somewhat misleading... The snake itself, not the eradication, is "bad news for people and wildlife," yes?


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2009
Actually, the situation is much worse. A friend there has been keeping me updated. Between the very sporadic assistance from the US Gov (standard reply to many ongoing issues to US citizens resident there is go to Hawaii or San Diego to Gov agency X to solve your problem), the expanding military installation, and an extraordinarily laconic attitude among many of the residents, the prevailing attitude is the place is future history ecologically speaking so why bother.

The latest power outage there, which happens about once every 2 weeks, was, amazingly, not directly related to the snakes climbing the power poles and shorting things out. This most recent one was some GI's shooting at a glop of snakes and accidentally hitting a transformer. I suppose you can still blame the snakes.

A friend and former co-worker, career biologist with US F&W Service, has been posted there often over the past 25-30 are you arriving at ideas such as - "
Between the very sporadic assistance from the US Gov (standard reply to many ongoing issues to US citizens resident there is go to Hawaii or San Diego to Gov agency X to solve your problem),"?? Not at all accurate - this, and comments in the same vein re the "Amphibian Bait" article, seem to indicate that you are more interested in criticizing the US government and or people than in providing information on the topic at hand. If you have documented info please say so...obviously, politics enter every conservation issue, but these shooting from the hip type comments, which are false, insulting and cannot possibly be documented in any meaningful way, are getting tiresome. thank you, Frank