GRRR.....I Hate Being Wrong.......

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
The shower of molts continue!!! Last night I actually got to watch my C. fasciatum molt. It was amazing!!! I never tire of seeing it happen in person. So now that makes a total of 7 out of my now 15 T's that have molted in the last two weeks. A. versicolor, OBT, L. parahybana, P. regalis, S. calceatum, P. irminia and now my C. fasciatum with my B. smithi waiting in the wings. Hopefully, my tiny H. mac sling will follow suit soon. SWEEEET!!!!!!! I will try to borrow a camera tonight, and get pics of the newly molted beauties, and the new additions. If not, everyone will have to wait until next week (unless there is a demand to see crappy iPhone pics, LOL).

Now the bad news: I totally, was convinced that my C. fasciatum was a female. Unfortunately, I had a good ventral view through the entire stretching process....only to have the painfully obvious confirmed by a molt an hour later. :evil: :wall: :wall: :evil:

I'm a bit upset about it, because this species is one of the few terrestrials that I actually like. I can take a hit to my pride for being wrong on the gender. It is much easier to say "I'm wrong...sorry!!" and LOL it off, than it is to know I'm going to lose a friend sooner than I had wanted to. This particular individual has a personality that I absolutely adore, and have become quite attached to.

All sentiments aside, he is a very healthy 3"+!!!!! I plan on getting him a girlfriend soon, so when he matures I will be able to continue his genes, and introduce this species to alot of people new to the hobby. C. fasciatums may be readily and cheaply available, but they are soooo underrated as a species. I could not picture my collection without one....or 50!!! {D

Finally, he needs a new name!!!!! What do you name a hot-pink male T???? Somehow, this concept just doesn't seem right. I asked my kids this morning, but they have no concept of naming animals yet. For being my daughter's favorite T, you'd think she could do better than "Starbucks." LOL Any suggestions???

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Finally, he needs a new name!!!!! What do you name a hot-pink male T???? Somehow, this concept just doesn't seem right. I asked my kids this morning, but they have no concept of naming animals yet. For being my daughter's favorite T, you'd think she could do better than "Starbucks." LOL Any suggestions???

Wikipedia said:'s Laura Miller states:
"Starbuck is blond, cocky, insubordinate, a cigar-chomping, card-playing showoff; another stock figure, really, with roots as far back as Shakespeare's Hotspur -- if not for a clever twist. In the original series, Starbuck was played by Dirk Benedict; in the new version, it's Katee Sackhoff, a gender switch that knocks the character well out of type."[17]
"Starbuck" may be more appropriate than you think.

"She" is a character from the newest Battlestar Galactica series. But her character was originally male - they switched the gender of Lieutenant Starbuck in the newer series from being male to female.

Your T did the opposite. ;)

So... how about one of the following as suggestions:



Lieutenant Starbuck


Lieutenant Thrace

... or any combination thereof.
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Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
congrats on all of the molts!!!!! Thats insane, I've never gotten to watch a molt, I'll bet its incredible. :) I'm sorry to here your C. fasciatum is male, that sucks. :eek: Such a pretty T. and I cannot think of a name for a hot pink male t {D


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
Name him "Captain Fabulous". {D
I just choked on hot tea. Ow, ow, oww...

xsyorra- I'm garbage at pet naming myself. If I had to refer to my pets by name, they end up changing constantly and the most accurate name to all is inevitably "That One." However, nothing against the iPhone, but I'm very excited to hear that someone's getting a real camera :D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Name him "Captain Fabulous". {D

I just choked on hot tea. Ow, ow, oww...

xsyorra- I'm garbage at pet naming myself. If I had to refer to my pets by name, they end up changing constantly and the most accurate name to all is inevitably "That One." However, nothing against the iPhone, but I'm very excited to hear that someone's getting a real camera :D
Don't feel bad about choking on hot tea....I ended up shooting cold PBR out my nose when I saw Exo's post!!! {D

The name "That One" ended up belonging to my 6" male P. striata. I wasn't going to get too attached to him (whoops....did so anyway), and I recently sent him off on a 50/50. Everyone in my little friend-circle just referred to him as "Oh, THAT one!!!!" during the time I had him. One of the most awesome spiders I've had so far, too.

Definately will I be happy to have another digital camera. One of my ex GF's made off with my last one, so all I've had for the last year or so is my cell phone. The iPhone is great....had mine about a year, and would not have it any other way!!!

congrats on all of the molts!!!!! Thats insane, I've never gotten to watch a molt, I'll bet its incredible. :) I'm sorry to here your C. fasciatum is male, that sucks. :eek: Such a pretty T. and I cannot think of a name for a hot pink male t {D
Thanks!! This shower-of-molts thing has been prety a wild experience. Since I started this hobby, I have personally been allowed the pleasure and privledge of seing my C. fasciatum molt once and witnessing two molts each from my A. versicolor, B. smithi, and my G. rosea / porteri or whatever they are calling it now, LOL. It's just an awesome experience!!!! I really hope you get the same opportunity sooner rather than later. :p

As for the male thing....yeah, it sucks, but what can you do? Doesn't mean I do not appreciate my animals any less. Since gender-bending seems to be the topic, the name "Bowie" comes to mind (the kids and I just finished watching Labyrinth, LOL). Could name him "William" after William Dafoe. Ever since I first saw The Boondock Saints (one of my fave movies, I might add), I can't watch Spiderman without picturing the Green Goblin in a dress!!! {D

Lastly, I discovered another male lurking in my collection.......Add this to the list of things I was wrong about:
Male P. irminia :wall:

Oh, well....C'est la vie!!! :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks!! This shower-of-molts thing has been prety a wild experience. Since I started this hobby, I have personally been allowed the pleasure and privledge of seing my C. fasciatum molt once and witnessing two molts each from my A. versicolor, B. smithi, and my G. rosea / porteri or whatever they are calling it now, LOL. It's just an awesome experience!!!! I really hope you get the same opportunity sooner rather than later. :p
I'll bet, have you had any weather changes or anything that might have qued them all to molt? just qurious, I remember reading awhile back about pressure drops and rising humidity in the local weather causing collections of tarantulas to molt. It was really interesting, I dunno if its true or not, it probably is, but my inner scientist wants to see as many examples :)

Well, hopefully I will. :) unfortunately the only one I think is coming up on a molt completely sealed off her hide, so I won't be seeing that one. But maybe one of my sling/juvis will get around to molting soon! Hm.... I know how to see more molts more often! Buy more Ts! {D {D {D

As for the male thing....yeah, it sucks, but what can you do? Doesn't mean I do not appreciate my animals any less. Since gender-bending seems to be the topic, the name "Bowie" comes to mind (the kids and I just finished watching Labyrinth, LOL). Could name him "William" after William Dafoe. Ever since I first saw The Boondock Saints (one of my fave movies, I might add), I can't watch Spiderman without picturing the Green Goblin in a dress!!! {D

Lastly, I discovered another male lurking in my collection.......Add this to the list of things I was wrong about:
Male P. irminia :wall:

Oh, well....C'est la vie!!! :rolleyes:

Well of course not! It's just sad to know you won't have as much time with them. Bowie, that'd be a good name. :rolleyes: :}


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Mass Molting.......Pherimone related?

Barametric Pressure............Interesting......We should reserch that more and keep track of these things........Good point.

Bowie 4 a name - Very Funny! lol
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Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I borrowed my neighbor's camera this evening, so I have a pic to update this thread with. I also have molt updates with my P. irminia, and L. parahybana, as well as a P. irminia rehousing / juvie-enclosure tutorial. I also have a pic of one of my new GBB slings and a couple of my now Uber-MEAN P. cambridgei in threat-mode. He just kept attacking the feeding he thinks he's an S. cal or something, ROFL!!!! Very hard to take seriously, as it is so comical to watch..."Ah-Ha!!! You have insulted me for the last time!!! Have at you!!!! Hi-Yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!"

I desperately tried to get a handling video of my P. irminia, but there was no one around to film it, and the damn thing was too fast to safely do it myself. I got a couple pics of him on my arm, but they're kinda blurry. I did manage to get a good video of him crawling around on my bed while I was trying to get him onto my hand, LOL. No threats, no scrambling, no biting...he was just chill with it. Amazing, considering how mean my P. cambridgei got almost overnight.

Unfortunately, I still have to upload and edit them, so the updates won't be posted until tomorrow.

I'll bet, have you had any weather changes or anything that might have qued them all to molt? just qurious, I remember reading awhile back about pressure drops and rising humidity in the local weather causing collections of tarantulas to molt. It was really interesting, I dunno if its true or not, it probably is, but my inner scientist wants to see as many examples :)
As a matter of fact, our summers extend into the first week of October, then BAM!!!! It's fall....One day 80 degrees, and blue skies, then the next day it's crap weather for the next 9 months. My cats have been going nuts and needing some extra attention lately as well. They do this when the weather shifts like it's prone to suddenly doing in these parts.

Well, hopefully I will. :) unfortunately the only one I think is coming up on a molt completely sealed off her hide, so I won't be seeing that one. But maybe one of my sling/juvis will get around to molting soon! Hm.... I know how to see more molts more often! Buy more Ts! {D {D {D
How do you think I've been so lucky?? :D

How about we take a page from one of the greats Johnny Cash!!!
I vote Sue!!!
BRILLIANT!!!!!!! That's probably the most awesome one I've heard yet!!!! Anyone else???


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
don't feel bad, so far all of my Ts I've sexed or had sexed are male :( I can only hope that out of the 25 I end up perchasing, I will get some females


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I borrowed my neighbor's camera this evening, so I have a pic to update this thread with. I also have molt updates with my P. irminia, and L. parahybana, as well as a P. irminia rehousing / juvie-enclosure tutorial. I also have a pic of one of my new GBB slings and a couple of my now Uber-MEAN P. cambridgei in threat-mode. He just kept attacking the feeding he thinks he's an S. cal or something, ROFL!!!! Very hard to take seriously, as it is so comical to watch..."Ah-Ha!!! You have insulted me for the last time!!! Have at you!!!! Hi-Yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!"
Can't wait to see pics!!! And I told you that P. cambridgei would turn mean. {D {D It was only a matter of time. And you're so right, its hard to take them seriously {D {D {D {D. Great quote, I'll bet thats exactly what they're thinking!!! LOL. They're awesome, though. They're aspiring to be S. cal when they grow up.:p At least their bite isn't as bad!

As a matter of fact, our summers extend into the first week of October, then BAM!!!! It's fall....One day 80 degrees, and blue skies, then the next day it's crap weather for the next 9 months. My cats have been going nuts and needing some extra attention lately as well. They do this when the weather shifts like it's prone to suddenly doing in these parts.
Sounds about like it is here, though we got a nice break this weekend past weekend. Other than my 9 tarantulas we have a bunch of other animals including birds, reptiles, cats, and a dog, (and a giant almost 4 pound guinea pig!!! I'm waiting for it to suddenly turn into a capybara) We can handle our cats and our dog going nuts (Most of the time) but oh god, with 5 birds going crazy its awful. :8o :8o :8o

That's really interesting though, its definitely something I've been trying to look into more. It just goes to show you can't control everything in their environment, and they still take cues from the local weather. I might have to do some more searching around on the AB, see what else I can learn about this. :p
(hopefully the nice break in weather will cue Echo (C. shioedtei) to molt already!!! talk about frustrating, its approaching two weeks since she sealed herself away in her hide...)

How do you think I've been so lucky?? :D
Haha, ya, no kidding. {D


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Don't feel bad about choking on hot tea....I ended up shooting cold PBR out my nose when I saw Exo's post!!! {D

Lastly, I discovered another male lurking in my collection.......Add this to the list of things I was wrong about:
Male P. irminia :wall:

Oh, well....C'est la vie!!! :rolleyes:

Good thing I wasn't holding my ice latte. (shivers)

Too bad you don't have a time machine or I'd take you on a loan. My 5 irminias are still just under an inch..

The OP's new male makes me wanna listen to the Pink Spider band (I don't understand Japanese, though) .. {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Updates, as promised!!!!!!

Thank you everybody for your responses and PMs!!!! They mean alot to me, therefore I am expressing my gratitude to my fellow hobbyists and giving a few updates. Because I'm too lazy to resurrect my other threads on the new GBB slings + my P. cambridgei juvie, and my P. irminia's color-change, I am just going to post them here, and update my Photo-Thread.

In the next couple of days, I will be posting a P. irminia juvie enclosure and rehousing tutorial for those who are interested. I was fortunate enough to be blessed with cool neighbors who let me borrow their camera, so I made the most of it.

First, the update pics:
My 3" gender-bending C. fasciatum

3" IM P. irminia after rehousing. I handled him back into his newly redone enclosure, and it went smooth as glass. All I have from it is two blurry handling pics, a video of the T crawling around on my bed while I tried to get him on my hand, and this pic:

1.75" L. parahybana freshly molted. Sorry for the blurriness. My friend and I handled this one earlier this evening for the first time. We were surprised at how heavy it was for a sling. This specimen grew a whopping inch with this molt!!!!!

My favorite GBB sling...this little bugger is very friendly!!!!

Last T update: My uber-mean P. cambridgei in threat-mode!!! He was in a full-on threat display just before I got the shot. Would have loved to have gotten that, but this pic is just as cool. Makes him look fearsome!!!

And, a couple of responses:
Can't wait to see pics!!! And I told you that P. cambridgei would turn mean. {D {D It was only a matter of time. And you're so right, its hard to take them seriously {D {D {D {D. Great quote, I'll bet thats exactly what they're thinking!!! LOL. They're awesome, though. They're aspiring to be S. cal when they grow up.:p At least their bite isn't as bad!
Yep, my P. cambridgei did turn mean.....and who warned me??? Yes, you did!!! ;P He is a mean one, but more outright mean than my S. cal who is reclusively mean. One look at that pic above, and you just know what he is thinking.

Sounds about like it is here, though we got a nice break this weekend past weekend. Other than my 9 tarantulas we have a bunch of other animals including birds, reptiles, cats, and a dog, (and a giant almost 4 pound guinea pig!!! I'm waiting for it to suddenly turn into a capybara) We can handle our cats and our dog going nuts (Most of the time) but oh god, with 5 birds going crazy its awful. :8o :8o :8o
Yeah, my sister kept birds for a while before I left home. I hated those things. They drove me nuts!!!!!!! :evil:

That's really interesting though, its definitely something I've been trying to look into more. It just goes to show you can't control everything in their environment, and they still take cues from the local weather. I might have to do some more searching around on the AB, see what else I can learn about this. :p
(hopefully the nice break in weather will cue Echo (C. shioedtei) to molt already!!! talk about frustrating, its approaching two weeks since she sealed herself away in her hide...)
Well, I hope she does molt for you soon. That will be awesome!!!!!

Good thing I wasn't holding my ice latte. (shivers)

Too bad you don't have a time machine or I'd take you on a loan. My 5 irminias are still just under an inch..

The OP's new male makes me wanna listen to the Pink Spider band (I don't understand Japanese, though) .. {D
HeHe.....A time machine wouldn't do much on my end, although you could go to the future and bring back whichever female you like, and then I'll take you up on a loan. {D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Great photos :clap: :clap: :clap: Such gorgeous Ts too. :D

Yep, my P. cambridgei did turn mean.....and who warned me??? Yes, you did!!! ;P He is a mean one, but more outright mean than my S. cal who is reclusively mean. One look at that pic above, and you just know what he is thinking.
that P. cambridgei definately looks mean! I fed mine today and I didn't have time to drop the cricket, it threw up a threat pose and lunged, snatching the cricket from the tongs before i could do anything!{D {D {D Gotta love 'em for that attitude.

Yeah, my sister kept birds for a while before I left home. I hated those things. They drove me nuts!!!!!!! :evil:
I love my birds, and usually they're really well behaved (except for the conure...) but severe shifts in the weather, and when I forget to hold them :rolleyes: they go crazy, and uuuuhg sometimes i wonder why I have birds in the first place. (but they always win me back.:D )

Well, I hope she does molt for you soon. That will be awesome!!!!!
Me too, its getting annoying!!! :mad: {D It's been really warm, it probably hit 80 in my room since we're not running the AC and I sprayed her enclosure down for a boost in humidity, so I better have a molted spider soon!!! (or I might not be a happy camper :} )


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Great Pix!

Cutest little green bottle blue................Just CUTE!:p