growth rate?


Jan 16, 2010
Hey everyone i have a question, i have done my research picked out T's i want and i always notice something when studying them.. growth rate. fast medium slow.. while i understand slow is slow fast is fast, what timeline is this refearing to. i mean slow could imply it will mature in 15 years or fast could imply matures in 6 months who knows... well i dont thats for sure.

so my question is. a FAST growth rate what does that tipicaly imply. i have noticed a GBB is said to be a medium growth rate. what does that imply a inch a year or what.. so i guess to sum it all up growth rate implys how many inches growth is set to occur at. what does fast slow and medium imply? how fast is fast lol

i know kinda confusing but i am just curious. hopefully you guys understand my foreign language lol

thanks brian


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Its really an individual thing if you ask me. But generally slow growers I think its around they mature in 5 years? I believe and fast growers can mature in as little as 6 months. If I'm not mistaken, I'm not really an expert on this. But like I said earleir, it can be very individualistic depending on temps, food intake, and well even the individual spider. Everyone says Aphonopelma sp. are slow growing, but my A. sp. "Flagstaff orange" has molted twice and gained about an inch since i got it four months ago as a 1" sling. and I stuggle to keep my room at 73 degrees right now. He only gets fed small prekilled crickets twice a week.


Jan 16, 2010
i agree it is a very individual question, but i have always been curious when they say slow just what is ment by slow, like 1 molt ever 2 years or what lol

so just curiousity got to me so i had to ask.

anyone else have any imput on the subject?



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Slow would be a brachy or grammy, or even my H. maculata sling lol It took him 6 months to molt, and he went from .5" to .75" :eek: Hopefully his next molt is quicker!

There is a thread on here somewhere, with someone who has a 3 year old Grammastola that is just a few inches... whereas the species mature at 5" or so, they take a good 5 years to get there.

I got a P. murinus sling last February who was 1" or so... and is now nearly 4". I have other P. murinus slings who are molting once a month so far.

Hope that helps a little :)