Green Tree Pythons

Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
So, my girlfriend and I have been thinking of getting a GTP. I think I'm ready, but just to make sure I'd like your advice/opinions.

I've had atleast one reptile all my life. That's not saying I've had many different kinds, just that they've all lasted a long time xD. Two California King Snakes (which I had when I was young...maybe 8 or 9. I kept them myself, my parents just paid for the supplies =p). I then had to give them away when I was 14, as we were moving from NY to FL and I didn't want to stress out the snakes. After about a week there, I bought a Ball Python and have had it for four years. I also have an Emperor Scorpion and Florida Bark Scorpion (caught about 2 months ago, doing very well).

The whole reason I even got into snakes, and eventually reptiles in general, was a picture of a GTP. And yesterday, as I was walking around my local reptile store, I saw 2 very young green tree pythons for $400 each. My gf and I are thinking about paying half and raising it together (though she has no experience with reptiles). So the question is, do you guys think I'm ready for a baby GTP?

EDIT- Also, my house is empty 90% of the time. I live with my father, though he's there maybe once a week for an hour or two at a time. My gf doesn't live with me, and I have maybe one or two friends. It would have an entire room to itself, in its own half of the house. I have no intention of handling it, if I want to hold something I'll play with my ball python.

EDIT2- And yes, I've researched everything I could online about these snakes. I have a do-nothing midnight shift job, so that's what I've been doing all week. xD I'm mainly just looking for opinions, advice, and first-hand experience with these gorgeous snakes.
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Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
The whole reason I even got into snakes, and eventually reptiles in general, was a picture of a GTP. And yesterday, as I was walking around my local reptile store, I saw 2 very young green tree pythons for $400 each. My gf and I are thinking about paying half and raising it together (though she has no experience with reptiles). So the question is, do you guys think I'm ready for a baby GTP?
Thats what sold me on snakes aswell!;) Gtp's aren't as difficult to keep as captives aslong as you start with a c.b.b. individual, do your research on the species, and follow their care requirements pretty close.

The thing that caught my attention with your intial post is that you stated that you were walking around your local reptile store and saw one. This is just my opinion as I have not been in or been able to talk with the persons in charge of the reptile store your potentially going to purchase your first gtp from. I would be very cautious buying a gtp from a pet store, I'd be 95% sure that its a farm bred baby, It may or may not have internal/external parasites, feeding issues may not be fully disclosed, locality info may not be availible, and it may not be in the best of health to begin with.

There are alot of people producing C.B.B. GTP's at this time in the herp community. I would strongly recommend that you purchase a CB animal from a well trusted breeder, granted you may have to spend afew hundred dollars more at the most but in the long run you may have avoided alot of head aches and potential death of a FB/WC animal.

In my opion GTP's make greatly rewarding captives, you just want to make sure you start of with an animal that is strong, healthy, and has no feeding issues! Feel free to pm me.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
I was at the F.I.R.E Reptile show today in Orlando and the GTPs were MUUUCCCHH cheaper than what you quoted here. :) You should check it out tomorrow!! It's be probably a 2.5 hour drive from Sarasora, but you might find a really good deal and see some neat stuff. :)

Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
Lol, what's funny about the FIR Expo is that when I was looking online, I stumbled across it and realized that was today and tomorrow. Unfortunatly, I won't be able to make it as I have to go to work. =( If I found it a day sooner, I might have been able to take the day off.

EDIT- Disregard that, my boss just called saying they have a new guy coming in and that coming to work Sunday would be "optional"...what perfect timing!
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Old Timer
May 31, 2008
My GTP is my favorite. They are rather easy to care for as long as you follow basic guidelines. I'm with Katy, check around a bit 1st, you can find them much cheaper and breeder direct.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
check MB reptiles, Ben Seigel Reptiles (usually around $250), Clockwork Reptile Company, Frantz Herpetological, and Mark M Lucas to name a few dealers that may have better prices. Lucas and Siegel are both in Florida.


Jun 10, 2007
There has been some good advice posted in response to your inquiry. I highly recommend them, I have 1.1 biaks and I love them! In fact, I can't decide if I like them better or my pokies. Do the research on care and who you buy from and you will be much satisfied in the end.

Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
Thanks everyone for the great help, I'm currently talking to Troy Frantz about his collection. He replied almost instantly to my email at 4 AM xD


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
A word a caution.
When it comes to GTP' get what you pay for.

The majority of the animals, if not all that are sold by the above dealers are farmed imports. Granted: most imports will do just fine but just be aware that people offering "cb" animals are commonly referring to imports which as we all know carry a significant amount of health risks.

I've generally only ever kept imported GTP's and have had no major issues, but I know of several horror stories experienced by others.

If you are getting a first GTP, I would highly recommend seeking a breeder and paying a little more for a higher quality animal. In the long run, you will have a problem-free and healthy animal as a well established GTP is a joy to keep.

I recommend reading up at the MVF forum and cross-checking potential dealers at the BOI. PM me if you have no clue about what I'm talking about.