This guy was caught in early September on the Outer Banks, NC. He was only about 6" at the time, likely a recent hatchling. I've been keeping my eyes out for one for awhile to add to a 40g breeder tank which currently houses 2 fence lizards and an eastern glass lizard. He needs to get bigger before I let him in there.
Note that unlike other non-insect eating snakes, this guy needs UV like most lizards.
He's skittish, but will eat from tongs.
The kids actually found it, he was in the grass next to a trail. Helps to have several sets of active eyes close to the ground to find stuff
Another fun common bug-eating snake is the northern brown snake (8"-12"). Pretty secretive, but I had 5-6 in a small tank for awhile. They stayed buried in the substrate 95% of the time. However, when I put food in a jar lid (earth worm pieces or small slugs), they would go nuts eating. The 5% of the time they were out was to check the food lid.
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