Green Lynx Babies


Nov 14, 2007
Ok kinda frustrated cause the page timed out and I lost a long bit of text I typed.
I have a Green Lynx spider momma in my lime tree. I first met her in my backyard about 4 months ago on our starfruit tree. She was very well camoflauged but nonetheless I snapped her photo for my photography book. A couple months later I found her on our cypress tree with a rather similar looking striking green spider I though they were the same sex at first. But upon closer inspection I realized they were mates. Sure enough they shared the tree for a couple weeks and I'd go out and look for them every couple afternnons or so. Then one day they were gone. About a week later I found the female at the top of the lime tree fiercely guarding a rather menacing looking spiked eggsack. She babysat it for about a month and I went to check on her today after being gone a few days to find tons of tiny babies emerging into her carefully constructed web nursery. I read that female lynx don't build webs and only attach the sack to leaves, she however has definitely built a web for the kids to play safely in. I hope they reach maturity but I read that it may take several hundred days to occur. I also read that she may not be around much longer as the life span is about a year and usually spawning occurs close to the end. She did indeed mate in August as is suggested in the species facts. Well theres many pictures for your viewing pleasure. The first is the day we met <3 She's just the best mommy, I've appropriately named her Limey.



Old Timer
May 10, 2007
Cool pictures, especially because they're in the wild. Nice!


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
I hope you get lots of little babies on the tree hanging around for multiple generations. Great pics and like Pulk says it's always great to see life history in the wild.