Green Iguanas don't need to eat insects or any type of meat regardless of age. They're pretty hard to care for properly tbh. Even under eight months you want them to have about a 50g. When older you really want a proper enclosure with a door instead. They hate when you approach from above and will show it.
They also can have an attitude. I used to have one a long time ago when the internet wasn't around and the norm was to feed them insects+fruit/veggies when young and fruits/veggies when older. This is probably why he didn't live over 10 in retrospect =(. It actually got pretty nasty as it grew. Was around six feet. It would scratch pretty good and tail whip which hurt quite a bit. I wanted to let it out to roam the house like I knew some people did but it just wasn't going to happen. I knew an older couple that had one that was quite nice, albeit temperamental.
Some people say Rock Iguanas are more chill. Some people say they're worse. I have no idea, I've only ever seen them in videos.
My baby bearded dragon is a real sweetheart/piggie. He straight up falls asleep on the palm of our hand when we pet him and eats veggies straight from us which is super cute. No problems with handling him or my leopard geckos. So glad I never got a monitor lol, I'm meant for smaller (beardies = 2 feet which is still decent) lizards =). I'm happy with my beardie and leos now and will likely be sticking with nothing more than crested/tokay/gargoyle gecko or maybe uromastyx one day.
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