Great deal, hard decision...


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Well, I took a peek at my classifieds in the newpaper this morning and found an ad for a 2 year old 4 foot Ball Python, with a 55 gallon tank and stand, a log, water dish, heating pad, light fixtures. Pretty much everything it needs for an incredible price.

The only problem is, I have nowhere to put it if I did buy it. Desicions like this are so hard to make especially when you can't bear to pass it up.

But other than that, I have a few questions for all of you who keep adult ball pythons.

How much per month do you typically spend on feeding, and what is the largest prey item you have ever given it?

Thanks. Maybe over the weekend I can clear some space and make room for one. Its just too good of a deal:(


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by scorpio
Well, I took a peek at my classifieds in the newpaper this morning and found an ad for a 2 year old 4 foot Ball Python, with a 55 gallon tank and stand, a log, water dish, heating pad, light fixtures. Pretty much everything it needs for an incredible price.

The only problem is, I have nowhere to put it if I did buy it. Desicions like this are so hard to make especially when you can't bear to pass it up.

But other than that, I have a few questions for all of you who keep adult ball pythons.

How much per month do you typically spend on feeding, and what is the largest prey item you have ever given it?

Thanks. Maybe over the weekend I can clear some space and make room for one. Its just too good of a deal:(
I have a large adult B.P., I breed rats so it costs me whatever the food and substrate costs per month to raise the rats to feed my B.P. (very cheap!).
you could feed yours a medium or large rat once a week at a cost of around 2.00 to 4.00 each rat.
if you buy frozen rodents the cost will go down a lot more.
a lot of B.P. will not eat through the winter months so that saves you on food costs. I try to feed my B.P. as much as it will eat when it will eat during spring, summer, and fall to fatten it up for its winter fast.
the largest prey I have fed mine is an adult female rat, adult male rats are a bit too big for my B.P.


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2003
Ed, since they are adults, wouldn't it be better to feed them every 10-14 days instead of every week?



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by Bry
Ed, since they are adults, wouldn't it be better to feed them every 10-14 days instead of every week?

Bry, in my case I clean the rat bins weekly so I feed the feeder rats out every week. plus with a B.P. that fasts during the winter I don't think having a bit of fat on them to last through the winter is a bad thing.