Got new T, _really_ naughty me!


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
So I did it. I went to the pet store and got the girl to take down the rosie, and had a nice chat with her about T behaviour and husbandry as I tried to pick up the T and got used to the size.

At first I was like "AUGH!" and thought maybe I should just wait for Bungee to grow up, but then I saw how placid she was, just moving around casually no matter how many times I gently stroked her abdomen with the paintbrush... A psycho rosie she was not. Added to that, she was very pretty, prettier than I expected, and although she wasn't red-phase, she had a delicate rose-mauve irridescent carapace, and her abdomen was not missing any hair, suggesting she was happy as she was and fairly unstressed.

Something in me told me she felt right, so I gently eased her into my container, bought an ample-sized petpal and some larger crix, and took her home.

I got her settled on some thick substrate with a nice waterdish and a flowerpot hide and sat down to ask her to tell me her name. I touched her abomen and she seemed to want to climb out, so I held out my hand and she got on. She's not big, maybe about 3.5 inches - not sure if she's a juvie or adult, or even if she is a she - but she hardly fits in my hand because I have such small, almost childlike hands. But she sat there, and wrapped her pedipalps, and her first set of legs under my hand to secure herself.

I was a bit nervous because she is so new and big, and I didn't want to upset her with my hand shaking slightly, so I decided to put her back in her enclosure. She then crawled head first into her flowerpot hide so for some reason I decided to stroke her abdomen with the paintbrush again, and to my wonder, she seemed to really like it. In fact, she rose up on tiptoe to let me rub underneath her, and seemed to be encouraging me to continue.

She seems very peaceful and friendly despite being stuck in a small deli container and trundled home on a bus, so I discovered her name is "Agape" (pronounced Ah-gah-pay), which is unconditional love. :)

This is my last one, really it is. :D



Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by greensleeves
... She then crawled head first into her flowerpot hide so for some reason I decided to stroke her abdomen with the paintbrush again, and to my wonder, she seemed to really like it. In fact, she rose up on tiptoe to let me rub underneath her, and seemed to be encouraging me to continue.
Are you sure she wasn't raising her abdomen in a defensive posture? That sounded like a "I'm gonna flick hair!!" display, possibly. Not trying to bring you down or anything, by any means though. Grats on the new member of the household!:D


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Re: Re: Got new T, _really_ naughty me!

Originally posted by Telson
Are you sure she wasn't raising her abdomen in a defensive posture? That sounded like a "I'm gonna flick hair!!" display, possibly. Not trying to bring you down or anything, by any means though. Grats on the new member of the household!:D
I don't think she was upset, because her butt wasn't higher than the rest of her body. She was standing really tall, and her back legs weren't near her abdomen, they were more inside the flowerpot, as if to move them out of the way. :)



Old Timer
Nov 4, 2002
I had a rosehair that did that, too! If you rubbed the bottom of her abdomen, she'd raise her body and even tip her abdomen a little so that you could reach more easily. I was told female t's occasionally do that because the rubbing simulates the feeling of breeding, but I'm not sure if that's true.

It's definitely different from hair-flicking behavior, though, which I receive in bulk from my B. boehmi. :)



Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Here she is!

Meet Aggie. She's having a bit of a shy moment on my lap after being out of her container several times. She doesn't mind being on me at all, despite our short acquaintance, but I am going to be extra careful with her. She's no little sling with teeny weenie sewing needle fangs...

I definitely feel her tarsal claws when she walks on my bare arm too. Almost like little kitty cat claws. She's very cool and sweet, I'm so glad I got her, but of course I still love Bungee too. :)



Jul 15, 2003
ahhhhhh. they suckered you in, its down hill from here on out. once you buy your second they just keep coming. your hobby just turned into an addiction. more more more will be your anthem from now on we had a A. seemani. for a long time then the cobalt and then a curlyhair then some spiderlings and some rosies then more spiderlings now we are up to 16 and got to have more more more. lol


well that was my experience and others can probally back me up


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2003
It is an addiction, I started off with three just 2 years ago and my collection is growing and growing (by the minute!) There is always enough room for just 1 more, or maybe 5! Hold on, you are hooked! This site will only increase your collection!
Congrats on the new addition!

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
It's not the second, or even the third T that gets you, it's hanging out on boards like this one that spells doom. Because you can go your whole life and never see more than a dozen different species in most pet shops, but here you see gushing praise and pics of upwards of a hundred different species.

You also learn that when your friends and co-workers say, "You have HOW MANY???" you can, "Eh, that's nothing, there's this one guy I know that 3X this many".

The boards are bad news I tells you :D


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2003
Originally posted by Code Monkey
It's not the second, or even the third T that gets you, it's hanging out on boards like this one that spells doom. Because you can go your whole life and never see more than a dozen different species in most pet shops, but here you see gushing praise and pics of upwards of a hundred different species.

You also learn that when your friends and co-workers say, "You have HOW MANY???" you can, "Eh, that's nothing, there's this one guy I know that 3X this many".

The boards are bad news I tells you :D
When someone asks why I have 70 spiders, I tell them it's because the 71st, 72nd and 73rd are still in the post



Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Originally posted by Longbord1
man she looks huge
She isn't really that big - I'll take another picture when she's more comfortable and throw something in for scale.



Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
It's not the second, or even the third T that gets you, it's hanging out on boards like this one that spells doom. Because you can go your whole life and never see more than a dozen different species in most pet shops, but here you see gushing praise and pics of upwards of a hundred different species.

You also learn that when your friends and co-workers say, "You have HOW MANY???" you can, "Eh, that's nothing, there's this one guy I know that 3X this many".

The boards are bad news I tells you :D
I promised two years ago to cap my collection at number 100...and I have. My wife now wants to know why my containers are numbered 100a, 100b, 100c...John At least she doesn't make me count the hatched spiderlings.


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by Joanie
I had a rosehair that did that, too! If you rubbed the bottom of her abdomen, she'd raise her body and even tip her abdomen a little so that you could reach more easily. I was told female t's occasionally do that because the rubbing simulates the feeling of breeding, but I'm not sure if that's true.

It's definitely different from hair-flicking behavior, though, which I receive in bulk from my B. boehmi. :)

wow I didn't know T's could get pleasure that way....or even some at all...really good info.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by tarantulakeeper
I promised two years ago to cap my collection at number 100...and I have. My wife now wants to know why my containers are numbered 100a, 100b, 100c...
Heh, I don't plan on crossing the 100 mark, but then I didn't plan on crossing the 50 mark either. My wife is thankfully understanding, no extracted promises yet.

Although with a straight face I can say that I'm virtually done in terms of new species (a couple of Pokies, E. weijenberghi, and some things not even the pet trade currently that I still want to add), but that doesn't preclude the amassing multiples of the ones I want to breed :)


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Helen (spouse) is very understanding too. Her questions over the past five years have changed though from "Tell me why you need another tarantula?" to "Tell me why you need to breed this tarantula?" as she looks around a room full of vials. Ah, that age old question.....



Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
Beautiful new spider :) I'm glad you found one so "loving."

Sweet rosies are wonderful. I haven't had one since my first tarantula, though. I miss her.



Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Originally posted by TheEternal
Beautiful new spider :) I'm glad you found one so "loving."

Sweet rosies are wonderful. I haven't had one since my first tarantula, though. I miss her.

This gal is sweet indeed. We're still getting to know each other, but I have no doubt I will have as much affection for her as I do for Bungee.

I see breeding in the future too, once she settles in. I'll have to send around for a nice Canadian male rosie. :)
