Gorgyrella sp. dead...need advice as to the cause


Old Timer
May 23, 2005
Hi all,

I took the plunge and got my first spider from the BTS show in Birmingham yesterday after owning a huge female Emperor scorpion for a while. I decided to throw myself in at the deep end and get a 5cm Red Trapdoor Spider (Gorgyrella sp.)

I came home from college today and there it was in classic dead spider pose (right way up, legs curled under body) Even though I provided a starting point by poking a finger in the substrate, it hadn't even attempted to burrow since I got it (although I hear adults are less likely to try and burrow straight away compared with young ones).
To be sure it was dead I gave it a gentle poke on its back leg with some 9 inch tweezers and didn't get the same aggressive crazy reaction I got when I so much as leaned on the desk that the jar was placed on yesterday. There was no movement at all, so I figured it was dead (as I hear that trapdoors moult in their burrows and this one was the right way up, showing no signs of moulting and had been in the position since this morning) I was wondering could anyone give me their thoughts as to what went wrong? Why has my vicious little trapdoor gone to spider heaven?

The setup I was using was as follows:

A large plastic sweets jar (same type as used by many to keep pokies)
A screw on lid with a central hole blocked with a round piece of sponge
An 8 inch deep substrate of peat/vermiculite mix (quite moist with some leaf litter on top)
A bottle cap with some water in to provide humidity and drinking water.
A 6x11 inch habistat heat mat (7 watts) attached to the side of the jar

All the substrates were insecticide free. I feel the most likely cause for its premature demise was the build up of moisture, as there was heavy condensation all over the bottle walls.

I am going to try with this species again, as I really find them fascinating (although it did set my heart racing when I had to transfer him to his new home from the little cricket tub I got him in...the little guy was lunging at my tweezers with full intent to kill hehe) I was disappointed I didn't get the chance to see this one in action.

I was thinking instead of a screw on lid I should fix some metal gauze or netting or something similar over the jar's mouth to allow much more air flow and reduce the build up of condensation on the walls of the jar.

Anyone who keeps/has kept trapdoors, especially this species, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and advice, and perhaps you could advise me of successful setups that you have used to keep them. Could anyone try and hazard a guess at why mine died?

One keeper I spoke to thinks that the heatmat may have been too much for the spider and roasted it. Do I need to cut down on the heat and if so how do I heat the tank best? Room temperature at my house is always 19-20C, so how much would I need to heat the enclosure based on this? Would replacing the plastic jar lid with some netting secured by a rubber band help to let out some excess heat and stop too much moisture building up? Please keep replies coming, as I'd love to hear lots of people's opinions on this.




Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
do you remember who you got it from? some of the dealers do a 24 hour guarantee on their animals.
i had to "return" a millipede after a show last year


Old Timer
May 23, 2005
Unfortunately I didn't get the chap's name, I suppose I should in future, but thinking about it it was my own stupid fault for leaving the heat mat on the side of the jar. It wouldn't be right for me to demand a refund or replacement even if I did know the seller's name. I put my hand in the jar (when I was sure the spider was really dead!) and it did seem much too hot, especially for a little guy like mine. I'm going to get a replacement one mail order...they cost £18, which was a bit of a shock considering mine was £10...Anyone know if there's anywhere in the UK where I can get them cheaper? By the way, I am NOT looking forward to putting the new one in the jar. Those trapdoors are bitey to the max! :eek:


May 14, 2005
it sounds like the heat pad fried it!
hot temps and high humiditity create condensation quite bad as you mentioned, so im guessing the temp was to high for the lil fella.

to be honest i woulnt bother so much with heating them because the heat would never bother them as there deep in there burrow in there natural habitat.

In the wild there in the ground and not really getting that temp in which a heat pad gives out so my guess is that prolly killed it!!!

just get another and start again xactly how you did but keep yer eye on temps when the spiders exposed! maybe let it make its burrow before you start heating it!

thats my little theory anyhow!!

try this shop out for next day delivery
she has three types or trapdoor!
good luck mate!


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2005
I also agree with the fried spider theory. If I were you, I wouldn't use heat mat at all. 20C seems like fine temp to me.
Remember, that even if the temp is quite low (10-15C), spider can usualy go like that for weeks, but if temperature is too high it will kill spider in minutes ...