What happened to your a.seemani? Looks like she hurt her leg! I hope she's OK! She does look like it's not bothering her too much, so that's good. I like your pictures, though!
I have no idea what happened to her leg. That's how she was when I first saw her. I had to take her home so she could be better cared for (I gave the LPS about 3 weeks to straighten up). Yeah, it doesn't look like it bothers her. She doesn't move around much, but she seems to have no problem doing so, or throwing up a threat pose.
I tried feeding my Rosie a pinky mouse today. Here's what happened.
Pinky Feeding Attempt #1.
Well, well. What do we have here? A meal!
Hmm... this doesn't feel like a cricket.
Eeeek! A mouse!
Get me out of here!!!
Tari was obviously spooked and took off. I removed the mouse and tried again a few hours later.
Pinky Feeding Attempt #2:
What's going on here?
You again!
And now I'll do what I should have done earlier!
LOL, I'm just joshin' you, bro!
Tari wasn't interested in the mouse. I thought she probably wasn't hungry, but then I threw in a couple of small crickets and she snatched and grabbed them like she hadn't eaten in weeks. I thought that since the mouse endured this ordeal and since my snake wasn't interested either, I would do what I can to ensure its survival and raise it as a pet... or as a meal for my snake next week. Unfortunately, it died a few minutes later. RIP, little dude.
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