You definately want the L. parahybana, then. It is significantly cheaper than the blondi, and IMO, easier to keep. Also stays more visible! There are some pretty good pics of my male on my site.
id say thumbs down to a salmon-pink birdeater... for one reason only though!
not the fact that they eat sooo much that u can hardly keep up with them, but they grow so fast and when they are grown to maturity i heard 9 times out of 10 they become paperweights, not moving, not eating (except for like every month or so), just really sit around like a G. rosea ... i suggest a T. Blondi if you want to breed if u want something you can grow really fast and doesnt hide as much then go for the L. Parahybana (salmon-pink) they both need the same living conditions.
yea but if your selling the parahybanas they are only worth maybe 10$ a peice and 2000 some slings?? damn! but i have to ask... how many actually survived? i bet the separation was out of this world =D but blondis as a youngin even can go for about 60$ for a sling to about 300$ for a mature sexed female and like maybe $250 a pop for a mature sexed male. less sling's are easier to care for over a long period of time.
(i payed 125$ for my T.blondi and i knows its a female just by looking at the palps) I mean, im not 100% sure but its a lighter color too...)
The average price range for blondie slings was about 35 - 45 dollars the last time I checked. The L. parahybana slings go for 5 to 7 bucks a peice on the dealer lists right now. At the last hamburg PA show there were ~8"- 9" WC T. blondi females in good health marked at $95 but if you asked the vendor he would drop that by 5 or 10 maybe more depending on what else you were buying and if you were a regular customer of his at the shows.
btw blondis do grow very fast so monantony is right it shouldn't be a million dallorss for an adult.
it should be like a million dallors for a c crawshyi cuz they bareley grow. i see crawshyis for about 60 bux for a 6 incher which is very wierd!!!
BB I have both parahybana and blondi and both are very visible. My parahybana does not sit like a rock and she feeds well any time I offer food. My parahybana is 8.5" and my blondi about 7.5", IMO the parahybana is the more attractive of the two, both feed like crazy so no big difference there. Both are great choices for a large T, but the price of a parahybana is much more attractive to someone not wanting to spend alot.
i usually let the substrate dry its self under the lamp... the water dish is about 3 inches in diameter and i just let the fogger do the rest of the moistening...
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