Goliath Bird Eater is Bleeding out of its Joints

Joseph Jenkins

Feb 24, 2010
My Goliath has been acting weird the past couple weeks. It hasn't been eating at all and I noticed it was bleeding from some of its joints in some its legs. Upon poking, it has impaired movement.

It is a female, 5 inches, being kept in a 10 gal on moist eco earth with a pot hide.

She is wild caught, but she is LTC

It is more blood than what would be normal for molting, more drips out when the tarantula is disturbed.

It has limited motion of back legs now.


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
How much liquid is leaking? Does it "congeal" or is it a constant flow?

Patch her up with liquid band-aid, flour, or anything else to stop the flow if constant. If not, try not to disturb her and minimize her movement. Either way, I'd get her into an ICU (a warm, dark, ventilated container lined with moist paper towels) with a water dish.

If it is WC it really could be any disease or parasite that we are not as familiar or equipped to deal with.

It is more blood than what would be normal for molting,
Edit: What is the "normal" amount of bleeding for a pre-molt spider? :?


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
How much liquid is leaking? Does it "congeal" or is it a constant flow?

Patch her up with liquid band-aid, flour, or anything else to stop the flow if constant. If not, try not to disturb her and minimize her movement. Either way, I'd get her into an ICU (a warm, dark, ventilated container lined with moist paper towels) with a water dish.

If it is WC it really could be any disease or parasite that we are not as familiar or equipped to deal with.

Edit: What is the "normal" amount of bleeding for a pre-molt spider? :?
I have not ever noticed this personaly. However, I have read that some spiders will leak a little fluid before an impending molt. I really don't know how much is normal for each spider. To overly simplify it, it is like getting the juices flowing to make the process easier. I am very limited in first hand knowledge so take my post fir what it's worth.