Hello all, does anybody know a website, store, breeder, or handler that sells Giant Snails? any species is fine, i am just looking for larger than golf ball sized snails. thanks!
Snails fall under the not-allowed-to-be-transported-between-states grouping as they are plant pests. IF you find some, they are likely illegal to keep, but... good luck, I doubt you will find any.
Ditto on the above. Especially if you're referring to the Giant African Land Snail, they are illegal to sell and/or keep in the U.S. due to their potential as becoming an invasive species. But regardless, i'm sure there are some people out there that have them.
We had an animal swap sell the Giant African Land Snails years back, I even had a couple. APHIS came around all the shows the next year to stop them from being sold and to try to recover the ones that were sold. I gave them mine and they seemed to be getting many back, but I would have to bet there are plenty still around somewhere. They reproduced like mad!
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