Giant lizard trap success!


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2012
Ok, so I didn't build a trap.
At my current domicile, my landlord has planted a garden. He's growing tomatoes, corn, and romaine lettuce. He's been complaining about the birds who are "obviously" eating his lettuce. He decided to put some netting over the budding greens to keep them out. What he didn't expect was that it's not just the birds who are interested in what he's growing.

I poked my head outside today and noticed a strange shape in the garden. When I walked out, I discovered this huge lizard (Sceloporus clarkii) thoroughly stuck in the netting. He had several layers of the netting stuck around his neck, but was breathing normally. I managed to cut him free with some scissors in a couple minutes.
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What a beauty! He was even cool enough to hold still for a minute after I set him down, letting me get some good pictures before scurrying off into the bushes.