Giant Day Gecko


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
I was given this by my father, as he no longer has space to keep reptiles. I really only keep spiders, but I took a liking to the little guy so I might keep it.

As far I know it is a Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis, full of character and it has learnt to hand feed already.

Currently measures about 6 inches or so, any ideas how old it may be? I haven't read up on how to sex them so I don't know if it is a male or female.

Please excuse the regenerating tail, it came off when we attempted to move it from one tank to another - these things are FAST and nervy, even compared to Asian tarantulas! Skin seems ridiculously soft and delicate too - he seems to be perpetually shedding and I don't know if this is normal or not.

Comments and/or practical hints are welcomed!


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2005
Great looking giant! He looks very healthy and happy. I'll bet he's a quick one.

Congrats on your new roommate. What are you currently feeding him?


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2005
I think it is a female, but If you send a better pic of the root/base of the tail, I can sex it surely!
I have kept Ph. lineata and Ph laticauda a few years ago, they are smaller but similar.
I suggest you to take it to a higher terrarium min 60 cm(90 better), cause they are arboreal species so they need more vertical space(some bamboo, fake/real plants ,and uv in it). In this size they are mature, or young mature animals.

Michael Jacobi

Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
Hi Leon

I have been breeding day geckos for many years, including loads of grandis. As mentioned, a vertically-oriented terrarium should be used. My breeding cages are 20 inches high with a 16 x 16 inch base.

In addition to vertical cork bark slabs and bamboo, I recommend a horizontal basking spot at the top of the cage. With the regenerated tail you are unlikely to encounter this, but day geckos are prone to "floppy tail syndrome" if they perpetually rest on vertical surfaces facing downward. I use a 4 inch wide slat of floral foam wedged from side to side (i.e., perfectly cut to fit the width snugly) across the top of the cage near the screen top, beneath a basking lamp. My cages have an automated misting system; grandis require fairly high humidity. I'd recommend spraying the cage each evening, but ventilating well so the cage is dry in the morning. Beneath the basking spot temps rise up to the high 80's or even low 90's, but the cage itself is usually in the low 80's during the day and mid-70's at night. I use Exo-Terra 2.0 UVA/UVB bulbs as well, but many successful breeders do not use special UV lighting.

I feed crickets, small roaches and "fruit goop", and also offer Avico Gecko Gourmet dry in a jar lid. My fruit goop consists of Peach, Apricot and Hawaiian Delight Gerber baby food with a pinch of Gecko Gourmet, several drops of Avitron liquid bird vitamins (for some reason, myself and breeders I am friends with have found this specific vitamin supplement best for day geckos) and a pinch of Miner-All I mineral supplement (or RepCal Calcium with Vitamin D3 ultrafine powder). If you don't have access to Gecko Gourmet you might want to use the T-Rex day gecko supplement or add a little bee pollen and honey available at health food stores. I offer insects or fruit goop on alternate days and occasionally insert a day of fasting.

Yes, the skin of most day geckos is very delicate. If held in the hand a thrashing grandis' skin will peel. Don't touch them!

Feel free to email me directly if you have any other questions.

Cheers, Michael


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Cheers for the responses, and thank you Michael for your (comprehensive as ever!) husbandry tips.
I currently spray nightly - he usually sits on his bark facing upwards in the evening, basks in the morning, and spends the nights upside down on the roof.
I'll have to knock up an arboreal viv, and get some more pics of the underside. :)