Getting A T for someone as Bday gift, some questions....


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2009
The receiver is a responsible animal lover and biology major, and I'm filling her in on everything before hand (an directing her to proper resources because I'm still fairly new to the hobby). My final decision will be a surprise still, but we're talking it out so I can narrow down what to get. It wont be like "you don't know much about these but surprise heres a S.calc!"

Criteria in order of importance as much as I can figure:

1a. Handleable

I've told her the risks and how this is generally not a good idea, but people do it... we all know the argument lol

1b. Would not be lethal to a ferret.

She has 2 ferrets that are her babies, and doesn't want one that could kill them. This I'm not sure about, I know one or two of the Ts I have could probably kill my dog, but precautions are taken and I don't plan on handling much if at all. I told her contact between the two animals can be prevented easily but she just wants to be 100% sure the T couldn't kill a ferret.

2. Looks

I don't want to get her an A.versi just because I have one and I want to get her something I don't have for my interest too lol. She doesn't care anyway

3. Well tempered

I know this is a loaded topic, and we already said handleable, but there are some skittish or whatever else Ts that are still handleable if you know what you're doing.

4. Low maintenance

Just about any T's maintenance is less than what she considers low maintenance so we're good here, I'm just throwing it in for you guys.

5. Anything else that should be considered (from what you guys think in regards to what I've already said)

My thoughts so far:
B.boehmei (lethal to ferret?)
GBB (ferret? not sure of handleability/temperment I've read different things)
Any Avic*

Thanks guys!

*not a versi and the only other one on s.i.'s site is $15 and I wanted to find one for her above $20 so I can get a freebie lol ;P :D


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Well, I dont know if the venom of any theraphosid would be lethal to those animals, but its possible. In theory they dont have to get in touch with each other, so if precautions are taken...

An adult female (or semi adult) B.Smithi would me my personal choice as a first T that meets those requirments.

There are many tarantulas "handeable", now, should she handle them? At least with a B smithi she would have to work hard to get a bite,and the venom
does not present a big problem for un adult.

For what you said about her,she looks like a responsable adult so she could really get almost any kind of sp. Just avoid really agressive ones and
those who can be a bit more tricky for a newby.

PS: It is really possible that any "wet" bite could present a problem to a Ferret, but of course an 11 inches Blondi will tend to be more of a problem than a small smithi.

Make sure theres not gonna be a possible contact between the spider and the ferret.
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Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
All of the species that you have mentioned(except for the make good first tarantulas. I would go with either GBB or A.avic. B.boehmei is a good hair kicker and A.versicolor is good temperament-wise but is a bit tougher to keep alive as a sling.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
I'm sorry, but didn't you just say that keeping avics alive was easy in another thread.
Yup, I said SADS was not that big of a problem, not that it was easy or easiest spider to keep alive.


Old Timer
Sep 5, 2008
Sorry, it sounded like you thought in one instance it was easy and good idea, then in another instance, it was difficult and a bad idea.

I also agree, however, that avics make great first Ts.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Sorry, it sounded like you thought in one instance it was easy and good idea, then in another instance, it was difficult and a bad idea.

I also agree, however, that avics make great first Ts.
BTW, I did not recommend you get a A.versi as a first T, neither did I suggest the OP in the other get one either(I recommended A.avic for the other thread),
I said A.versi was harder to keep alive compared to the rest of your species list.
If I had to recommend a "death proof" starter T I would recommend B.smithi or B.albopilosum.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
LOL, I'd love a surprise S. cal!!!!

Honestly, you cannot go wrong with ANY Avic species. Avics make the best handlers, bar none!!! They really are not all that hard to keep alive. Keep it sensibly housed, and re-wet the substrate when it dries. I got a 1/2" versi sling before I knew anything at all about this SADS, and Avic special-care requirements. Started her in an 8 oz plastic spice jar, and transferred her to a 32 oz deli cup at 1.25". She is 1.5" now, healthy, and about ready to molt again.

GBB's also make good starters...hardy as an OBT!!! You cannot kill these things. They can be handlable, but are pretty skittish. They also scramble pretty quick when spooked, so handling has to be done with great care that you don't drop it. Of all my T's, my GBB's, and my C. fasciatum are rarely handled for this very reason.

B. smithi is always a good choice, but they take forever to grow. Spending the extra $$$ and getting a 2" female would be a good start to anyone's collection.

Personally, I'd just get her a versi, get yourself a $5 something-else, and get your freebie that way.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Just about any Bracky would be a great pick and women tend to like colorful
T.Most bracky's will fill that void because colorful,docile and beautiful.But I
would stay away from B.Schroederi.Thay are the most aggressive Brachy and
wont hesitate to bite.Thay are a Brachy with a attitude problem.

Aunt Ant

Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
Back when I was researching what to get for my first T, I fell in love with Aphonopelma chalcodes. Not as flashy as the Brachys but the blond/orange tones and dark femurs appealed to me. Think it fits your criteria really well, as do its cousins Aphonopelma sp. "New River Rust Rump" and Aphonopelma sp. "Flagstaff Orange". Those have more red/orange. I finally got an Aphono this year, a New River; she's a doll. Gentle and hasn't haired me
Another plus: their urticating hairs aren't that bad.
A minus: slow-growing. Go for 2"+
Like any T, they can look drab before molt, so if you go that route ask for pics from seller. For a gift try to get one looking its best

Brachys are great too, I can vouch for smithi. Beautiful and calm, but can be flicky at times (at least mine is). B.boehmei seem notorious for flicking hair, no?

Avics? How 'bout A.purpurea or Peru Purple, those still around?

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
This might sound like an obvious question, but why not ask her which ones she's interested in and you surprise her with one off her list?
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