The receiver is a responsible animal lover and biology major, and I'm filling her in on everything before hand (an directing her to proper resources because I'm still fairly new to the hobby). My final decision will be a surprise still, but we're talking it out so I can narrow down what to get. It wont be like "you don't know much about these but surprise heres a S.calc!"
Criteria in order of importance as much as I can figure:
1a. Handleable
I've told her the risks and how this is generally not a good idea, but people do it... we all know the argument lol
1b. Would not be lethal to a ferret.
She has 2 ferrets that are her babies, and doesn't want one that could kill them. This I'm not sure about, I know one or two of the Ts I have could probably kill my dog, but precautions are taken and I don't plan on handling much if at all. I told her contact between the two animals can be prevented easily but she just wants to be 100% sure the T couldn't kill a ferret.
2. Looks
I don't want to get her an A.versi just because I have one and I want to get her something I don't have for my interest too lol. She doesn't care anyway
3. Well tempered
I know this is a loaded topic, and we already said handleable, but there are some skittish or whatever else Ts that are still handleable if you know what you're doing.
4. Low maintenance
Just about any T's maintenance is less than what she considers low maintenance so we're good here, I'm just throwing it in for you guys.
5. Anything else that should be considered (from what you guys think in regards to what I've already said)
My thoughts so far:
B.boehmei (lethal to ferret?)
GBB (ferret? not sure of handleability/temperment I've read different things)
Any Avic*
Thanks guys!
*not a versi and the only other one on s.i.'s site is $15 and I wanted to find one for her above $20 so I can get a freebie lol ;P
Criteria in order of importance as much as I can figure:
1a. Handleable
I've told her the risks and how this is generally not a good idea, but people do it... we all know the argument lol
1b. Would not be lethal to a ferret.
She has 2 ferrets that are her babies, and doesn't want one that could kill them. This I'm not sure about, I know one or two of the Ts I have could probably kill my dog, but precautions are taken and I don't plan on handling much if at all. I told her contact between the two animals can be prevented easily but she just wants to be 100% sure the T couldn't kill a ferret.
2. Looks
I don't want to get her an A.versi just because I have one and I want to get her something I don't have for my interest too lol. She doesn't care anyway
3. Well tempered
I know this is a loaded topic, and we already said handleable, but there are some skittish or whatever else Ts that are still handleable if you know what you're doing.
4. Low maintenance
Just about any T's maintenance is less than what she considers low maintenance so we're good here, I'm just throwing it in for you guys.
5. Anything else that should be considered (from what you guys think in regards to what I've already said)
My thoughts so far:
B.boehmei (lethal to ferret?)
GBB (ferret? not sure of handleability/temperment I've read different things)
Any Avic*
Thanks guys!
*not a versi and the only other one on s.i.'s site is $15 and I wanted to find one for her above $20 so I can get a freebie lol ;P