I think the gestation period is about 4-6 weeks, am not sure though. I've never really checked on them that closely. It also depends a lot on the temperature at which you are keeping them. You can tell a gravid from an ungravid female by just looking at the size of the abdomen. Obviously the gravid one is gonna be really fat and round.
Actually, I got thinking if the gestation period might take as little as 3 weeks too, but I'm not sure on that. As mentioned, the temp has an enormous impact on the time needed.
I don't think it was a rediculous question. I think it's the answer thats a bit dissapointing because there are surely other ways too through which one could determine if a roach is preggo, I just don't know of any
I am trying to learn about the dubia ( as opposed to dubya???) roaches, and impatiently waiting for my "colony" to well...colonize! I just ordered 20 more( 18 nymphs and 2 adullt males), as all but 2 of my males have died. I am so grossed out by the reeking crickets!!!
ps...mods I messed up again.....wrong place for this topic....SORRY :8o
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