German Shorthair Pointers-My favorite


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I haven't written in a while because of the down time on the Arachnoboards, and then I was on vaction, and then in Pittsburgh a week. The week before we were leaving for our camping vacation, our 11 yr old German Shorthair Pointer was found laying on the floor, whining, and unable to get up. I was going to get the neighbor's boys to help me carry him to the car in a blanket, but he actually got up on his own, and tried to go out the door. Had to carry him down the steps and he collapsed on the floor. Then he got up on his own and I helped him into the car. They had to carry him into the vets office, he couldn't get up after I helped him out of the car. They did X-rays,, and once they got him to relax some (he was in severe pain and it seemed to be his spine), they thought it was possible he had a slipped disk. We could have taken him to another more advanced pet ER, but my husband said no. They might be able to treat him with pain killers and stuff, keeping him through the weekend, but couldn't guarentee it. Jake was 11, almost 12 this month. Because we were leaving for vacation in a week, and if he needed medication, or this emergency could come back while we were gone, my husband and I decided we should put him to sleep. It was the most painfull thing we both have been through since we had him since he was 13 weeks old. He was a surprise Christmas present for me from Jon. It was as bad as my parents dying. I stayed with Jake, and his eyes were emploring me to do something for him. I just hope he forgives us. Jon was crying because its ok to do this for a pet, but I can't do this for him when he gets bad off. He begged the vet and techs not to hold it against him for chosing to do this.
So sad.

Since then, we went on our primitive camping trip, and even before that, I've been in contact with people from a NJ German Shorthair Pointer Rescue group.
I know I want another German Shorthair, just think it would be best to take in one that needs a home. I've had two, & one was from an old guy who couldn't keep, or hunt with his anymore, and they learn and adapt quickly and easily. So I'm waiting to hear from the folks, and set up a home study. It seems that its about as hard to adopt a dog or cat anymore as it is to adopt a kid. The rescue has several we are interested in. I wanted an older dog, but my husband says he just can't go through that painfull experience in just a couple yrs, so Jon wants one up to 3 yrs old. Hopefully we'll have another dog in a couple months.



Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004

I am so very sorry for your loss. :( :( :( Having to say "good-bye" to a family member (and yes, he was just that) is extremely difficult, especially if one has to choose to go that route. I am positive he's forgiven you - I'm sure you saw that in his (pleading) eyes. He's lived a good, full, happy life with you guys - had tons of fun, was genuinely loved - therefore he was blessed, as were you and Jon to have him with you all these years.

There is nothing anyone can say or do to make the pain go away, to make the "doubts" go away, or perhaps even the guilt (you may feel), but in time - and it took me a very, very long time, it will become easier.

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and hope you'll be blessed with a new addition very soon. Please also check your newspaper (or under classifieds, as I've seen this awesome breed up for sale quite a bit as of lately. :)

Hugs to you and yours.


PS. Sharon, you've had a very, very rough year, my dear.

Brian F.

Old Timer
Oct 19, 2004
We just lost our lhasa apso to blastomycosis a couple months ago, so I can certainly relate. Sorry to hear about your loss. Good luck in searching for another German Shorthair. All the best!


Randolph XX()

Old Timer
Aug 10, 2004
well, if u like german shepard in short hair, i must refer "Taiwan Dog" to u
it has just been recognize as a breed lately, but it has been around since ice age
and this is the only breed of "semi-wild" dog that can be used for hunting and guarding(proven to be really close to priah dog), i've never seen other dog that can jump 7' high catching a flying squirel or climbing a tree
here is some reference
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Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
Thankyou all so much for the kind words and condolences. I can't talk about Jake with my daughter Laura here without her crying. She and her family thankfully weren't home when he couldn't get up so she was spared seeing him in agony. Especially my little grandaughter. So Wendy you suggest I check newspaper adds as well? Thankyou so much my friend for reaching out to us. I know you've experienced having to make these hard choices too. Yes it hurts still, but time is helping. No other dog is a real replacement though. I've had two German Shorthair Pointers over the yrs and find myself wanting another of the same breed. I thought that getting a dog from a GSP rescue
would be smart because the dog would have all its vacinations and been nuetered. You know how much that costs when you get a puppy. Jon doesn't want an older dog though. A lot of those are 6 yrs old and yes they need homes, but we could be going through this again in just 5 yrs. So I see his point. Jon got me Jake from the old "Dr Petshops" that used to be in the malls.
He talked to them, and they got him one from a breeder out west. He took me to the mall for Christmas shopping, we went in the petshop and he said "hey look they have a german shorthair puppy" . I said "how cute", and he said "its yours". I was in shock. Jake had to be one of the best Christmas presents ever! He was such a joy, a playfull 13 wk old puppy, but not too hyper like some shorthair puppies are. So I'll never forget this. Jon has offered to get me another puppy. I just don't know if I'm ready for that,especially after what Thor is doing with Jon. I'll check the papers though anyway. Thanks for the hugs Wendy, I need it!



Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004

You're most welcome. I'll keep a look-out here, too. The second I see something I'll let you know.

Please don't think of getting a new Pointer as a replacement. You're right, Jake can never be replaced, but a new dog/puppy may fill a huge hole in your heart (and Jon, Laura's and your grandchild), making it perhaps easier to cope with his loss. A good friend of mine once told me: "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." I think this is so true, especially because our beloved pets depart from us much too soon.
