Garden Orb Weaver question


Apr 11, 2017
I discovered 2 common garden orb weavers (Washington state) living in the window of my laundry room that must have come in through a gap in the door as babies. I know they should be outside but it's very stormy and has been getting very cold. They are still quite small so I was wondering if they would be ok in there until spring when I can put them outside. The room is much cooler than the rest of the house and humidity is higher in there. I have fed them as their abdomens were quite small, also sprayed a bit of water on the webs. Not really sure what to do here, suggestions would be appreciated

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
It's a little unusual for them to be active in the winter. They may simply stop moving in the middle of the web, or just vanish, abandon the web and find some hiding place to hibernate. But if feeding, it sounds like things are okay for the moment. Keep stress to an absolute minimum and enjoy their company.