g.rosea had his fangs resting on him tumb


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2003
hey meduim size g.rosea had his fangs resting on my tumb and wouldnt move i was freakin out... so i put him close to the ground and pushed him again then he finally moved after 5 mins or so of sitting on me with his fangs out didnt look like he was gonna bit me tho just had them out on my tumb


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
my friends rosea sometimes does that, it seems as if he is trying to hold on or something


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
I haven't seen mine do it, but I have heard that rosies will use their fangs at times to help them climb. I know it would be freaky to have their fangs out and on your skin. I don't think it's an aggression thing though.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2003
they wernt climbing at all just sitting there.... and wouldnt move


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
One of our rosies do this. Moonbeam.
Usualy when your holding her and she gets comfortable. Once she stretches and settles down she just doesn't seem to be inclined to move and doesn't Want to be, as far as T's wanting.
If you try and move her she will open those fangs up and press them. Not sink, just press.

It's a very interesting heeling when you watch a nice sized tarantula spread open their chelicerea nice and wide and watch those black fangs just settle against your skin, feeling it's little claws anchor all firm. Watching your skin dimple under the tips of those black shiney cresents that suddenly Look a Whole lot bigger then they are. Much bigger then they looked half tucked into the T's mouth every time you get a underbelly look.

Oh yeah,, your mind goes. Erk? All the hair on the back of your next sticks up. And you mentialy kick yourself for tinking this was a cute lil fuzzy that wouldn't hurt anything but a few crickets now and then.

That age old fear slips into your bloodstream. Even the most stoic get a taste of that. Adrenalin hits your system and your trying to hold that hand Very still so as not to further disturb this docile sweet creature the whole time your other hand is fungling blindly for Anything to slip in between Her fangs and Your skin, mentialy messuring the distance between your hand and her cage because you Can't take your eyes off those fangs....Wondering if she might be willing Not to stab you today if you promise Never Ever to piss her off again.

Hehe... yep.... they're cute that way arn't they?

I think that slow messured feeling press is a great deal more blood pumping then a fast strike at you.

It's just a freaky feeling.


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
That is the only thing not great about rosies, they are unpredictable.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003

Heya back sunnymarcie.

It's a freaky feeling honestly. No matter how often she does it. Thus far she hasn't ever sunk down on me. And Why I am stupid enough to continue to give her opertunities by handling her. Well... Most times she is very good about it.
No the twins do not handle Her.

Their Other rosie Sunshine they do. But I won't risk the twins with Moonbeam's "play" fanging. (Note I Understand it's NOT actualy Play as Tarantulas do not Play. Hence the " "'s)

I think part of it is simple curiosity as to this behavior that motivates me to keep risking a bite. She climbs up on the hand with no coaxing other then sitting it down in front of her. I tink it's body heat more then anything though her cage is the right temperature range. Once she settles, Out come the fangs and aside from flexing them every now and then she sits like this. Then for no aparent reason, folds her fangs and stands and is ready to go about her way.
One day I'll get up the guts to attempt a picture while she's doing this. But right now I'm still sane enough not to stick a camera in her face and startle the hell out of her with a flash while her fang tips are dimpling my hand. :D
Anyway. It sure does make you look at your "pet" in a new light.
I mean, you KNow your keeping tarantula's, the logic is there. You see them, you reserch them, you feed and tend. But Oi,, when those fangs come out and touch you. Your mind just kind of yips. "Oh My Gads This is a Tarantula." That primal part Everyone has in them that squeaks and doesn't look at these creatures in a logical light. This is the same part that motivates us to handle in the first place. the part that still gets a rush from having these critters in our hands at all. The thrill of holding a big hairy spider that makes so many people shudder inside.

Anyway. Nuff babbling.