I have this big G. Rosea maybe 5 to 6 inches big can I feed it a pinky mouse or should I not try it ?? Do any of your G Rosea eat pinky mice and if so how big are your G Rosea ??
what are you talking bout MrT?? put that into english what the heck is a boluse and why would I smell it before I threw it away ?? :? I'm so Confused :?
I recently fed my 4" rosea a pinkie (was destined for the lividum, but she kept throwing up threat postures). It took her about 36 hours to finish and there was no, I repeat, NO odor whatsoever. In fact, I never found a bolus either. I dug around the whole tank and finally ended up removing the top layer of substrate.
My rosie will not touch a pinkie, I have 3 T's now that will eat pinkies, a 9" L. parahybana,a 7.5" T. blondi and a 7.5" P. regalis. I'm sure when my A. geniculata, N. coloratovillosus, L. difficilis, L. cristata, C. crawshayi, and H. hercules reach adulthood they will also feed on pinkies.
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