G. rosea breeding


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
ok I put Mebebraz's male in with my female and I am assuming the deed was done... my dad made me help him with something and a few minutes later I came back and the female was on the other side of the cage and the male was on the wall cleaning his palps... I I guess the deed was done. I took him back out and put him in his new home. by the way this is the most beautifull male I have seen in a while... very blonde in color. thanks alot mebebraz


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
whoot whoot!!!
I put the male back in with the female and they definatly bred this time. it was amazing I was worried at first. but you could kinda tell she wasn't giving a threat posture it was somewhat different, and sure enough they lost their virginity:D
How long should I wait before I try again... wait for a sperm web or just wait a few days?


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
When I bred this species, I placed male and female together every few days. I noticed that once the female had her fill, she made it obvious, behaving in a more threatening way toward the male.

Best wishes,



Old Timer
Jun 30, 2003
I just mated my rosea last night and this is what happened

Last night was the first time i had ever put two tarantulas together,and it was great,i ve never seen anything like it,truly amazing seen these spiders mating.
I put the male in with the female and there was no drumming at all,then after a while i had to urge the male over and in the blink of an eye they were at it,it lasted about 2 mins and didnt notice if he got both bulbs in,but i didnt mind cause i couldnt believe what i was seeing,when they were finished i put a chop stick between them both and let the male make a bolt for it,I tried again about an hour later just to be sure and this time he put both bulbs in one after the other!
i still did have to urge him on again but this time it looked more successful,
I have another male coming soon for my other female chile and i have a male redknee coming as well,oh the good times are coming,
any adive on what i should do or expect in the future.

Lets hope it doesnt molt now

I meant to take pictures but my camara wouldnt work it just froze and made a beebing noise, and then when they finished it bloody worked,typical


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
ok I have bred my rosie once again... this time the female found the male and initiated the mating... well she was strolling around the cage and I though hey why not give it a shot. well I put the male in around 5 inches away from the female, she strolled up and the second she touched the male she went up into the "threat posture" and he didn't react so she pushed his legs a bit and then he went for it, definatly got both palps in and the whole thing lasted maybe 1 minute. lets hope she is pregnant now. thanks again mebebraz


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
I got a male finally. Beatiful deep redish brown. My fem is a very blond coloration.

I set up a tank for the fem with a hide/water dish combo, and about 1/2 of coconut husk substrate, based on the new info I got from the post regarding G.rosea's natural habitat being more dry and arid. I'll just keep the dish full to keep a mild level of humidity. I was planning to give her a week to adjust and "steak out" her territory and get comfy with the new hide, and then I planned to start introducing the male. After I mate them a few times I'll send the male of to someone who needs him for a breeding loan.

So... I got any problems in this plan? Lemme know please.

Also.... Next SPRING? What is the time frame to expect between mating and laying an eggsac? And how long til they hatch out on average?


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2003
To get an eggsack takes about a year, these are Grammostola. Expect around 200 1/3in. slings the first breeding. After you get a sack, you have to wait for her to molt before breeding her again, she will have no more breeding vigor until she molts. Once you have an eggsack, its takes about 2 months for the slings to start dispersing. After about two years later, the slings will be a whopping 1 1/2in. My female took her eggsack back after about 5 times, shes easy going though.
There ya go,


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2003
Hey johnnyjohnjon anything from your rosies yet? I put my two toghther about the same time you did and she already laid an eggsack on 8-30 I was pretty shocked as i was expecting to be waiting around 3 or 4 months at the least, Anyways good luck there


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002
MY Breeding experiance

I put mine together just about every day for a week straight.

They mated almost every time. After the week the female made it clear that she was done and I decided not to push it any further.

That was around September of last year and I still have not gotten a sack from my female even though she is definately gravid.

I have seen some very strange webbing patterns. In fact their is no pattern at all she has just turned her whole take into a huge web ball.

Looking forward to those slings.



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I mated mine in April, got a sac in August. I put the male in with her every day, and he just kept at it. I think after a mating, there still must be SOME sperm left in the palps, he only made a sperm web about once a week. After about two weeks, she was done with him and let him know it!

My brown phase molted last week and is munchin' down crix like mad.... guess who's next?=D

Then the male goes to visit Nixy for more x-rated fun!