Hey Everyone,
I have a G. Pulchripes 2-2 1/4" female. About 2 weeks ago, maybe a bit more, she made a burrow all the way to the bottom of the enclosure that had an entrance/exit from 2 sides. She has not emerged for that entire time. The only way I can see her is if I turn the enclosure to the end of the table and get a light. She is at the bottom of the enclosure just sitting there. She is not in the death curl, nor should she have any reason to be, and has moved positions a tiny bit. Has anyone encountered this? I am getting worried because she ate maybe a week before this happened and I hope this isn't an isolated incident with this species. If anyone has seen this or encountered this, please help me out. I take care of all of my tarantulas and all the rest are doing great but this one is just burrowed and for a very long time. Thank you.
I have a G. Pulchripes 2-2 1/4" female. About 2 weeks ago, maybe a bit more, she made a burrow all the way to the bottom of the enclosure that had an entrance/exit from 2 sides. She has not emerged for that entire time. The only way I can see her is if I turn the enclosure to the end of the table and get a light. She is at the bottom of the enclosure just sitting there. She is not in the death curl, nor should she have any reason to be, and has moved positions a tiny bit. Has anyone encountered this? I am getting worried because she ate maybe a week before this happened and I hope this isn't an isolated incident with this species. If anyone has seen this or encountered this, please help me out. I take care of all of my tarantulas and all the rest are doing great but this one is just burrowed and for a very long time. Thank you.