BEAUTIFUL!! I have a Green Bottle Blue that molted last night - amazing to watch! But Pulchra's are gorgeous too!! I soooo want several! But if you don't mind my asking... what happened to the red and blue suit? :clap:
i got this g.pulchra when she was a sling freshly hatched and its taken her over 3 years to get just over 3 inches now! i mean i know they grow slow but dang! haha and wow to a 1 year and some months between molts! Im glad she ended up female when i got her tho since full grown females are really expensive of this species Oh yea... she is VERY aggressive and will rear up and bite my tongs or straws or anything.. but after the 1st bite shes as calm as can be, anyone else noticed this behavoir in their g.pulchras. its odd to say the least.:?
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