Fuji Finepix S5200 questions

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
The on-off switch balks like it has dirt in it. Keeps getting worse and now doesn't turn on at all. Taken it to the authorized service center twice where they cleaned it. Works marginally better for a couple of weeks.
Sent it to the Fuji center in Bangkok for a fix. It came back 2 months later without any repair done. The rechargeable batteries were replaced with cheap crap. Total cost there, $75.

Anyone have experience with these cameras and could suggest a real responsible repair shop?

Has anyone tried the Fuji add on Macro lens for these and if so, is it any good?


Dec 25, 2014
Sent it to the Fuji center in Bangkok for a fix. It came back 2 months later without any repair done. The rechargeable batteries were replaced with cheap crap. Total cost there, $75.
Ah ah ah, sorry if i laugh :)
75 $ in Thailand, if i'm not wrong is a nice sum.. am i right, for everyday life? (i mean, not for someone like Thaksin Shinawatra, of course, but for a normal man).
I can't help, btw, with the camera issue.. not into those.
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