Frog Shelving


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
This is my new mathod of housing frogs in an easy cheap way. The tank was 5 bucks and the glass pieces were 6. 11 dollars to house 4 different frogs wthin the same ten gallon. Perfect for what I plan to do in the future.

So what I did was I gluegunned the glass dividers into the 10 gallon. And then just put it different directions to accomodate arboreal and terrestrial frogs. This housing can also be used with Ts and scorps. Not pedes though.....I suppose millipedes:?

so here is the arboreal setup...

And the vertical terrestrial shelving.

All I need to do now is add in the hinged plexiglass doors. Then I will have a good looking way to house my soon to be somewhat large frog collection.