frog eyed gecko help!!!!
i am purchasing a frog eyed gecko
and when i sent the seller this list they told me that this was fine for it
1.ten gallon aquarium
2.eight inches of sand
3.shallow water dish
4.a hide
5.a rock
6.small crickets
7.calcium and vitamin powder
8.heat lamp 60 watt
9. screen lid
i was told by a few care sheets that i will need a pvc pipe to alow water to the bottom so that the gecko can burrow which i am going to get one.
i just wanted to know if anybody out there had any more suggestions on things to buy to keep the little guy happy?:?
i am purchasing a frog eyed gecko
1.ten gallon aquarium
2.eight inches of sand
3.shallow water dish
4.a hide
5.a rock
6.small crickets
7.calcium and vitamin powder
8.heat lamp 60 watt
9. screen lid
i was told by a few care sheets that i will need a pvc pipe to alow water to the bottom so that the gecko can burrow which i am going to get one.
i just wanted to know if anybody out there had any more suggestions on things to buy to keep the little guy happy?:?
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