frog eyed gecko help!!!!!


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
frog eyed gecko help!!!!

i am purchasing a frog eyed gecko {D and when i sent the seller this list they told me that this was fine for it:)
1.ten gallon aquarium
2.eight inches of sand
3.shallow water dish
4.a hide
5.a rock
6.small crickets
7.calcium and vitamin powder
8.heat lamp 60 watt
9. screen lid
i was told by a few care sheets that i will need a pvc pipe to alow water to the bottom so that the gecko can burrow which i am going to get one.
i just wanted to know if anybody out there had any more suggestions on things to buy to keep the little guy happy?:?
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Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
I had a M/F pair of these for around a year along time ago. This is how I had mine set-up.

20gal long tank w/screen lid
5-6'' of sand on one end sloped to around 1''
Med. sized heat pad on the 1" side
A small rubbermaid with a hole in it was buried in the sand on the deep end,
and a piece of drift wood was on the 1" side.
I fed mine dusted Crix2-3x a week, meal worms/wax worms every now and then.

Mine were very nocturnal, If they tell you to get a light/basking light dont its a waste unless you put in a nighttime bulb and that would be for your enjoyment really. Mine were sold to me as Tetrosincus Tetrosincus but werent, deffinately a frogeyed but they had very tiny smooth scales and didnt match any pics I was able to find. Sold them at a Reptile show for 150pr, kind of wish i hadnt they were cool and might've been a rarer form of the genus. Anyways have fun and post some pics of the set-up when you get it!


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
thank you i will ya there is one that is called a small scaled wonder gecko so that might of been what yours were.ya im only allowed to have fish geckos and amphibians!{D but i would love to have a scorpion but cant parents refuse.:wall: one question though did you hve a pvc pipe to allow the sand to be wet so that it could burrow?


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
yep i saw a pic of that one, not it very similar though. Same scales different pattern, wish i had taken a pic.

Have fun with them there cool, most likely WC so a trip to the vet for a fecal wouldnt hurt anything.