Found ooth in East TN not chinese see pic


Aug 22, 2005

I just now (August 22) found these ooth in East TN USA! These were attached to a tan brick wall, attached to the morter. I am curious as to the species, being from East TN and they are not chinese ?? I know we have Brunners Stick mantis here, I know we have Carolina.... Would the Carolina not be round like Californica? These are shaped alot like Iris Oratoria, but are not those unless we have some here in TN?? I am very confused. I THINK we also have the FL Bark Mantis here? If you can see the pics well enough, please let me know what you think. There are a total of 8 or 9 of these. These were apparantly laid in August (if this is the season for ooths here, then they are from this year. The first personfrom the USA who correctly informs me of the species, will get a free nymph or 2 if you pay postage. It will be after the nymps hatch before I can make sure helpers are correct, I will keep record and maybe posts here can be the record of who is correct first. If no one can get it right by ooth only, I guess we will need the nymphs IDd by several other persons before I can determine who gets a freebie. I do not know the species, so this is not a contest. The freebie nymph will be a reward for the identifier. I am anxious to know, let the guessing begin. Remember, I found these is EAST TN USA Thanks, Dave



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
DavieCrockett said:

I just now (August 22) found these ooth in East TN USA! These were attached to a tan brick wall, attached to the morter. I am curious as to the species, being from East TN and they are not chinese ?? I know we have Brunners Stick mantis here, I know we have Carolina.... Would the Carolina not be round like Californica? These are shaped alot like Iris Oratoria, but are not those unless we have some here in TN?? I am very confused. I THINK we also have the FL Bark Mantis here? If you can see the pics well enough, please let me know what you think. There are a total of 8 or 9 of these. These were apparantly laid in August (if this is the season for ooths here, then they are from this year. The first personfrom the USA who correctly informs me of the species, will get a free nymph or 2 if you pay postage. It will be after the nymps hatch before I can make sure helpers are correct, I will keep record and maybe posts here can be the record of who is correct first. If no one can get it right by ooth only, I guess we will need the nymphs IDd by several other persons before I can determine who gets a freebie. I do not know the species, so this is not a contest. The freebie nymph will be a reward for the identifier. I am anxious to know, let the guessing begin. Remember, I found these is EAST TN USA Thanks, Dave

not a six-legger normally, but something to consider... don't some roaches make oothecae too? can you rule that out?

i have no real idea, i'm just serving up some food for thought :)


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
They look like Stagmomantis carolina ootheca to me.



Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
Hatched S. carolina ooths leftover from previous years.