This is a really off topic post. Guys I really really truley need your help... When we were cleaning our bunny cages my mom was acting really really weird snapping at anything that got in her way. I asked her whats wrong and she said she had alot of nightmares about her past of kindey problems. I asked if she wants to talk about it she said no then said well son, I have to go for more treatment for the surgery I had on my bladder and that I dont want to get this treatment. I asked her why she said it has the side affects are like bleeding bladder and that she said the cancer she had was a high level one and it may move to my kidneys. I answered her have you talked to dad? then she said he wants to me to get the trement but im refusing due to the unknowns it can give and hes really ticked at me. At that I told I could do anything to help her then she jsut said jsut look at yourself this comming years that theyll be hard for you due to the fact ill be really ill and grumpy, and that jsut do your hw and just look after yourself.
Im on the verge to give up guys I really need to know what I should do im like the most worried 15 year old son right know.
Im on the verge to give up guys I really need to know what I should do im like the most worried 15 year old son right know.