For all you dog experts - long post warning


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
As much as I love dogs, I really don't know a whole bunch about certain behaviours and what they mean and other things, so I'm just putting this little story out there and seeing what you all say...and I don't want anyone chiming in who has no idea what they're talking about.

For the record, these are my parents dogs, not mine. My dog is a harmless pug/beagle mix who is happy making other people happy.

My parents have boxers. We got our first boxer about 4 years ago, his name is Bowzer just to make this story easier, and he's about 70 lbs. Then after our min pin died 8ish months after we got Bowzer, we got another boxer - female, her name was Sable, who was 50lbs. Then Bowzer and Sable about two years ago had puppies and my mom ended up keeping one because she has hip dysplasia, and her name is Bella who weighs about 65lbs.

Now, in the summer, Bowzer and Sable started to fight, and it would always be Sable who started it. She was very possessive and she would lean against you as if she owned you, and if any dog got too close, especially Bowzer she would start growling and showing her teeth and her hackles would go up, and then she would start a fight. At this time Bowzer had been neutered, but Sable had not been spayed. The fighting escalated to the point where he would put holes in her chest, because for some weird reason, she would fight on her back. Then Sable and Bella started to fight (Bella isn't spayed either) and it was much worse with them, they couldn't even be in the same room as each other, and there was never any problem between Bella and Bowzer. Since Sable was the common denominator, we had to get rid of her because Bella was more than capable of killing her. Now as of recently, Bella and Bowzer have started to fight, at first it was just growling without any biting or anything, however, Bella is going through a false pregnancy so she's very irritable and today she just went after Bowzer when he got too close to her and he didn't hurt her at all, but she put a hole in him and scratched him, and she must have also hurt his throat because he was kind of coughing for a while after.

After that, Bella was put in her crate and then 10 mins later Bowzer went over to the crate and they started licking each other, and Bella was acting very submissive to Bowzer; licking his wounds, laying low to the ground. This is the first time the fight has left wounds, and my stepdad wants to get rid of Bella now, but my mom really doesn't want to. I know Bella should be spayed and I told my mom that, but they don't really have the money for it. I don't think they should have kept one of the puppies in the first place just because they don't have a lot of money, but even still. I told my mom it's going to come down to either spaying Bella or getting rid of her. Because if Bowzer and Bella got into a fight and we weren't able to break them apart, they'd rip each other to pieces.

I really think my parents should get rid of Bella, and even though my step dad thinks that too, convincing my mom is going to be impossible. Bella has a vet appt on Friday because of this whole false pregnancy business, but my real deep-seeded worry is that Finnigan (my dog) will go in because he's concerned and she'll kill him. And if she killed him, I can't say what I would do, because I don't know what I would do, but killing her would run through my mind I'm sure.

Anyway sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to know what some of you dog people thought about this. I know next to nothing other than the basics about dogs behaviours and such, so I'm hoping someone can help. And don't bash my parents or me or anything, I'm posting this to look for help because I don't want any of the dogs to die, and I'm wondering what may be causing all of this nastiness.



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I've seen unspayed females be aggressive to neutered dogs before, especially when they are in heat. Honestly, spaying and neutering your pets is a necessity for the vast majority of dog owners. Hopefully, your parents will get that done or give her away or both. I think that's the only option at this point. In the meantime, I'd keep your own dog away from both of them. It might be a little overly cautious, but I'd hate to see what a boxer could do to a beagle/pug mix.

Rick & Brandy

Jun 9, 2009
Sorry to hear this.

I am no expert, I do have years with dogs. ( We have 4 now)
My best advice would be to get her fixed,(just doing this will help but will not fix the problem) The other female should in turn become the leader of the pack again. When females feel that they are being chalenged (as in having a second unfixed female around, especialy after they start comming into heat) It makes them uneasy, in feeling this way they will often aggress at others, kinda showing the other what I can do to you if I want to! The other thing is training, (alot of hard work) however if all the dogs feel as if someone (Your mom or dad) is the pack leader (instead of a dog) It will take 80% of the stress off of them. Trying to controle the pack, their minds are always bussy trying to controle the situation and the outcome! Just 1 more thought on this, giive them more exercise!! Maybe a fake little opsticale coarse in the yard, the more they have to focuse on the happier thay will be. Boxers need alot of walking and play. I hope I gave you something that makes sence to you all and with any luck you can be a big happy family again soon.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
In adult dogs, getting them fixed is not a guarantee to solve the issue. It will get rid of the hormones, but it won't erase the past history these dogs have in fights.

Rick and Brandy have the right idea - these dogs need A LOT of exercise, and underexercised, frustrated dogs will go after each other.

I think getting rid of one of the dogs is stupid... and they never should have gotten rid of the first dog. If the dogs you have can't be together, crate and rotate. It's not fair to toss a dog out because you're in over your head - you need to research and make the situation work. Unless they went through EXTENSIVE trouble to find the PERFECT home for Sable, and didn't just post an ad on Craigslist or something of the sort.

Dogs fight for numerous reasons... pack status, boredom, dog aggression, etc.

If the two dogs are fighting, they shouldn't be allowed to interact. I have several dogs that can't even see each other... it's always been that way (having dogs that can't interact, that is) and it's a normal part of life for me now.
Sometimes it's from the start that the dogs hate each other, other times they are fine until a small scuffle starts over something and from then on it's war. It all depends on the dogs, and it's never the same issue twice that keeps two dogs from being able to be around each other.

Between a female and a neutered male, however... I would say the issue is lack of training, control, and exercise. The fights should be stopped before they even start - at the first sign of a growl or hackles, intervention needs to happen. These dogs are giving warning signs that a fight is about to occur, and they need to be listened to.

The whole issue with Sable frustrates me, because that is easily fixable.. she was "owning" the humans, and the humans were letting her. When she would have leaned against someone, she should have been immediately removed or the human should have left, disowning her claim on them. That would have prevented fights over posession of the humans.

It also sounds like the fights are minor tussles... a hole here, a scratch there... nothing serious. Exercise these dogs, train these dogs, and show them that fighting isn't a past time by intervening before it escalates.

My brain hasn't woken up yet, but if you'd like to PM me we can go through the specifics of the fights and the two dogs and work out a plan that will help keep everyone happy :)


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Teal you hit it right on the head. My stepfather is always in the basement playing WoW and Mackenzie and I both work, and my brother is never home and even if he was, he's useless. This leaves my mom to deal with the dogs, and my mom is sick to begin with, and she loves the dogs more than than anything so she lets them get away with everything. She can't properly train them because it's really only her, and even when I'm there to help it's hard to stay consistent because I'm not here to help her all the time. We got rid of Sable because my stepfather was adament about it. His solution to everything is just to get rid of it so he doesn't have to deal with it. That's why he plays WoW all the time - because he doesn't want to deal with my out of control brother.

Exercising is also a problem, because once again, it's usually only my mom, and while Bowzer is great on a walk, Bella is just unbelievably bad and so it's hard for my mom to walk both of them, and like I said before, my mom is really sick - she has fibromyalgia - so it's hard for her to walk the dogs. Bella fortunately has Finnigan to run around outside and play with, but Bowzer will only go outside if he really has to go to the bathroom, and then he wants back in the house.



Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009
i agree that exercise is the most likely cure for them. my heeler gets as much exercise as she can handle with either the frisbee or a chuck-it. neither one is really taxing on me and she goes nuts for them. i'm not sure about how boxers handle playing fetch but if you can find a nearby area that your mom can take them one at a time and throw for them, you may cut down on their behavioral problems.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
If there is no one who can walk the dogs - get a treadmill. Just a regular human one will work, though you'd need one with the longest belt you can find to accommodate the stride of a larger dog. During winter months, I would kill all my dogs out of frustration if we didn't have treadmills lol

I also agree with skippy... can your mum play fetch with them? Just repeatedly throwing the ball in the backyard, down the hallway, or if there are any stairs on the property would help greatly.

You can also look into making or getting a "flirt pole" which is basically like a fish rod for dogs... you take something with a handle, have a long rope on it, and a toy at the end... wave it around, pull it across the ground, etc. so the dogs are chasing it, jumping for it, turning, weaving, etc. I have used all manner of things from a length of PVC pipe with rope running through it, a horse lunge whip, and recently a cat toy with feathers.

Walks are good for bonding and exposure to the outside world, but just a walk isn't going to do anything for a boxer.