First turtle rescue of the year!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
So my brother called me up last night tell me he had just done our first turtle rescue of the year. Said he found an odd turtle and didn't know what it was, but said it had almost been ran over by a car on one of the busier roads. I had no idea what it was, kinda thought it was a wood turtle at first or a baby box turtle by the way he described it, but when I seen it I had trouble figuring out what it was, never seen one before. Wasn't a spotted turtle, or a box, or anything else I find. After some searching around I found out it was a blanding turtle! I had never found one in the area before, so it was definitely exciting to have come across one of our more unique turtles to the area :)

Here is some pics...

I am gonna be letting it go right where it was found. It is oddly right down the road from where I had found prime box turtle habitat. We have about a 3 mile stretch of land that is split in two by a major highway where there is a healthy population of box turtles. Every year I find scores of them dead every day on the road from cars running them over. It is a 4 lane highway so they don't often make it across the road. This got me started with turtle rescuing several years ago and now every year myself and my brother-in-law go out and try to rescue turtles. Been trying to get more community support and encourage people to get out there and save our turtles! I want to try and get a tunnel put in in this stretch of land so that the turtles can cross without being hit, its disgusting to see the amount killed every year, and habitat for these guys has been dwindling.

Anyway thought I would share these pics of such a beautiful species :) Good to know we still got some of these around!

And remember... if you see a turtle crossing the road and can safely stop to help out, do it! Help preserve these awesome creatures for future generations to enjoy :)
