First time T keeper, 2 weeks in Impressions


May 28, 2008
So after coming back from vacation in Poland I decided I need a tarantula. Looked around petco's here in GA and found nothing interesting so somehow I ended up here. I read up a lot on T care and housing/feeding etc and decided it was time to order a T !!!! so i got a 1/4'' b.boehmei sling from southernspiderworks. most of the time he is a pet rock, ate all the crix i gave him and now he's stopped eating for the last half week or so, could it be a pre-moult? his body is a reddish brown color and his abdomen is a lot darker than the head area( and uricating patch a bit darker than that). So i really want to see him molt and grow!!!! How often under regular conditions should a boehmei molt ? I keep him at around 77F+- and mist once every few days, but all in all its a dry in there in my eyes. He hasn't eaten any live food yet ( stopped eating 4-5 days ago like i said) and turns tail when a crix gets near him haha

Thanks everyone on arachnoboards for your help and suggestions, its been a great help getting into T's! :worship:

Id take pictures but my camera altought has 6 mega pixels or something like that takes terrible terrible closeups.:?


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
At that size you should see a molt within 30 days as a ruff estimate.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
I feed mine 2Xa week, mist 1Xa week, and keep 1/8 of their tubs on a heat pad thats 95-100 or so. With those conditions mine have been molting every 6weeks or so, around 2-2.25" now so it'll be slowing down pretty soon i'd imagine.


Jun 17, 2008
i just bought one of them also from them and got a curly hair with it both are 1/4 and so far my firelegged eats like it was staving lol i dont have a heating pad yet had to find one here. im worried that it might be to cold. i set them up in some tupper ware which i noticed makes a nice single acre lot for them. ill get some pics when i get my cam but whats a good temp rate for slings?

o and to your question it seems like your baby is just full and they are a bit skiddish off the bat + when they are full it tends to slow them down i noticed.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
i just bought one of them also from them and got a curly hair with it both are 1/4 and so far my firelegged eats like it was staving lol i dont have a heating pad yet had to find one here. im worried that it might be to cold. i set them up in some tupper ware which i noticed makes a nice single acre lot for them. ill get some pics when i get my cam but whats a good temp rate for slings?

No heat pad, if you keep you place anywhere between 70-90, they are fine.