First Time Owner, is she just a dirty kiddo?


Oct 7, 2024

First time T owner doing a ton of research. She's a Brazilian redhead I believe. (Sold as Mexican redhead?)

I noticed that she has some bald or dirty patches (Pictures attached). I'm worried about mites or something to the sort.

She groomed yesterday, and she's eating. She's pooped on me three times so far. I didn't know if that's good or bad that she only defecates on me (as long as she's not scared I don't care.)
I only see urates. Do they produce stool like birds? Or pretty much just urates?

Thank you for any help. She's quite docile, and I'm very attached already. I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to it, but not pushing it because I don't want to stress her out.

-Moth and "Kitty"



Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Nice looking T
I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to
There’s not a knowledgeable and or responsible T owner that suggests handling, and nor do they get used to humans that’s completely false. They are not like certain reptiles. Handling is THE BEST way to lose or kill your T

You’re getting crapped on because of your crappy husbandry 🤣 pun intended. That is a common defense mechanism MANY animals types. LEAVE ME ALONE is what it's telling you, and you don't.

You treat them like fish.
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Matt Man

Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
Pretty common on Bumba Horrida. FTR I don't think they ever get used to handling, I think they just tolerate it. Be careful because a fall can be fatal. She will have a prettier opithsoma after her next molt. Most of the ones I have seen looked very similar to yours, so nothing to worry about


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Pretty common on Bumba Horrida. FTR I don't think they ever get used to handling, I think they just tolerate it. Be careful because a fall can be fatal. She will have a prettier opithsoma after her next molt. Most of the ones I have seen looked very similar to yours, so nothing to worry about
Yep that’s what there called . Definitely not worth the risk of handling.

First time T owner doing a ton of research. She's a Brazilian redhead I believe. (Sold as Mexican redhead?)

I noticed that she has some bald or dirty patches (Pictures attached). I'm worried about mites or something to the sort.

She groomed yesterday, and she's eating. She's pooped on me three times so far. I didn't know if that's good or bad that she only defecates on me (as long as she's not scared I don't care.)
I only see urates. Do they produce stool like birds? Or pretty much just urates?

Thank you for any help. She's quite docile, and I'm very attached already. I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to it, but not pushing it because I don't want to stress her out.

-Moth and "Kitty"
Probably just a coincidence that it pooped 💩 on you just so I’d avoid handling . Because they are so fragile.
Enjoy 😉!!!!

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I noticed that she has some bald or dirty patches (Pictures attached).
This species is known to look quite will be amazed after a molt though, theyre really beautiful at that point...its nothing to worry about.
She's pooped on me three times so far. I didn't know if that's good or bad t
Its a defense when you pick up a toad and it pees on you.
I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to it,
just....facepalm.....I dont know where you are getting info from, but its not an animal that will get used to doesn't have a brain, nor does it have rational thought or good enough eyesight to recognize you...handling is a poor many things can go wrong, yet there isnt a single positive that can happen. Think of them like fish, an observational pet.


Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
Welcome to Arachnoboards Bumba horrida, Moth and Mayfly
Keeping Her safe and sound is what's up above.
A fall would be tragic, that's all.
Best Regards & Best Wishes.


Oct 7, 2024
Nice looking T

There’s not a knowledgeable and or responsible T owner that suggests handling, and nor do they get used to humans that’s completely false. They are not like certain reptiles. Handling is THE BEST way to lose or kill your T

You’re getting crapped on because of your crappy husbandry 🤣 pun intended. That is a common defense mechanism MANY animals types. LEAVE ME ALONE is what it's telling you, and you don't.

You treat them like fish.
Ok. Thank you for advice. The fact that I'm on this forum, asking these questions, means that I care enough to change what I'm doing. Calling my husbandry "crappy" is shaming me for wanting to be a better owner. Instead of treating you how you treated me, I will just wish you well in the future.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Ok. Thank you for advice. The fact that I'm on this forum, asking these questions, means that I care enough to change what I'm doing. Calling my husbandry "crappy" is shaming me for wanting to be a better owner. Instead of treating you how you treated me, I will just wish you well in the future.
1. Lots of peeps ask Qs on here and don’t change
2. Glad you care to change, your Ts life depends on it
3. So you don’t like my use of the word crappy in a pun? I felt it was perfect.
I could have used poor, which is the same thing as crappy.

Shaming you- hah, I wasn’t shaming you for trying to be a better owner.

I was pointing out your bad/poor/crappy husbandry re: handling; that was obvious 😑

Do you think handling is trying to be a better owner? If so, then please stop trying!!😑🤣


May 28, 2020
1. Lots of peeps ask Qs on here and don’t change
2. Glad you care to change, your Ts life depends on it
3. So you don’t like my use of the word crappy in a pun? I felt it was perfect.
I could have used poor, which is the same thing as crappy.
I hate to say it but I believe it is spelled Crappie (Pomoxis). Other than that everything which has been said above is true and fair.

Imagine your roof gets ripped open and a titanic bear scoops you up and just holds you or tries stuffing burgers in your face...idk about you but I don't think I could get used to that.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2021

First time T owner doing a ton of research. She's a Brazilian redhead I believe. (Sold as Mexican redhead?)

I noticed that she has some bald or dirty patches (Pictures attached). I'm worried about mites or something to the sort.

She groomed yesterday, and she's eating. She's pooped on me three times so far. I didn't know if that's good or bad that she only defecates on me (as long as she's not scared I don't care.)
I only see urates. Do they produce stool like birds? Or pretty much just urates?

Thank you for any help. She's quite docile, and I'm very attached already. I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to it, but not pushing it because I don't want to stress her out.

-Moth and "Kitty"
Pretty T

DON’T handle it unless you want it to fall and die. It will NEVER “get used” to handling, it‘s a tarantula not a dog, a cat or some hamster. Its dangerous to handle your Ts.

Read the beginners guide here its full of useful info:

Also search the forum if you have any questions. Many questions are asked often with the same content relating to care. Also, use latin names, english names for Ts are confusing and change from time to time.
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Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Welcome to the boards. Please know every single person here cares about the health and wellbeing of your T first. This is the best place to find reliable information for your spider from experienced keepers, some with decades of keeping.
Personalities may vary. If you can put that aside, you can learn a lot.
Most of the folk here will advise to never handle your spider. It is dangerous for them as they are quite fragile and they get nothing positive out of the experience. They are unable to bond with you. Someone here once called keeping them as if they were “dirt fish” which I found apropos. (You wouldn’t hold a fish, even underwater).
Hoping your B horrida molts soon. We all love to see the freshly molted pics on the “Who Molted Today” thread.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
Beautiful spider! I have a B. hamorii named Sybil and a G. Pulchra named Luca, but when I was starting out and looking up different beginner-friendly species, I saw the Bumba horrida species and instantly loved the look of them.

Thank you for coming here to learn more. People are really knowledgeable and always want what's best for the tarantula.

What got me into keeping tarantulas in the first place was that, after a wild couple of months (maybe I'll tell the story someday in an intro!), my husband and I were at a plant show where there was a guy selling tarantulas. He was holding an Aphonopelma chalcodes and asked if we wanted to hold her. I said no, but my husband said he'd go first, so he held her first and then passed her to me. I was surprised at the sense of calm I felt holding this giant spider. We asked some questions and learned about a few of them and went on our way. The experience had a hold on me, though, so I started reading and watching and listening to everything I could about them.

Pretty quickly, I saw that handling is not recommended and that these tarantulas can so easily be injured or killed in even a small fall. I kept researching and taking in as much as I could and decided that I still wanted one (or two!), and the rest is history.

So, my intention here isn't to make an "all's well that ends well" type of argument or suggest that handling has justifiable educational or promotional purposes. I think I would have been just as moved by seeing a proper tarantula display where I could have seen this gorgeous girl in a naturalistic setup or something. But, I want to acknowledge that a lot of people are led to the hobby by people who make it seem like handling is normal, accepted, and safe, and that's not your fault. Viper is right, though, that we see a lot of people here and elsewhere online who don't heed warnings or make a real effort to learn, and it's hard to see over and over because it's the spider who suffers for it.

It's good to see that you're of the "when we know better, we do better" camp, and I'm glad you're here: Welcome!
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Apr 27, 2022
Yep, I won't repeat what was said here already, we will never shame you for learning and wanting to be a better owner for your tarantula!

I hope you enjoy your stay here.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 19, 2021

First time T owner doing a ton of research. She's a Brazilian redhead I believe. (Sold as Mexican redhead?)

I noticed that she has some bald or dirty patches (Pictures attached). I'm worried about mites or something to the sort.

She groomed yesterday, and she's eating. She's pooped on me three times so far. I didn't know if that's good or bad that she only defecates on me (as long as she's not scared I don't care.)
I only see urates. Do they produce stool like birds? Or pretty much just urates?

Thank you for any help. She's quite docile, and I'm very attached already. I'm trying to handle her at least 15 minutes a day so she gets used to it, but not pushing it because I don't want to stress her out.

-Moth and "Kitty"
No tarantula gets used to being handled, they may tolerate it but it's not beneficial for them and each time you handle her there is a chance something is going to go wrong. Like her jumping and getting lost, or jumping and bursting her abdomen. Or you getting bit.. it's pretty rare. But it can happen.
If she bites you and you react and accidently fling her away from you.. It could kill her. Maybe not but it could.
T's are not like mammals. They perceive the world in a much different way than cats or dogs. They are Instinctive and reactive.
I Adore my T's they are my sweet 8 legged babies.. They have no idea who I am or have a bond with me. And that is ok.

Edited to add that I type really slow and by the time I was done many others said far better than I about handling. I'm seriously not piling on, And welcome to the fantastic world of 8 legged wall puppies.

Dick Longfellow

Jun 9, 2023
One of my favorite species! Welcome to the hobby, and try not to stress yourself out. These little guys are very hardy, but not the calmest. Offer a good amount of substrate, a hide, a good size water dish to overflow and you should be golden! Best wishes 🕷