First tarantula (rosehair)


May 27, 2006
So pretty:

I just got her(?) today from PetCo. I went to one other store, but the same kind/size was $35 and PetCo's looked just as healthy for $15. Interestingly, the guy who takes care of the tarantulas at PetCo used to work at the other specialized store. He recalled her molting in April.

After attempting to escape when I opened the pet box, she explored her new house, poked at the water with her feet, climbed a circle around the top and settled in on top of the cave. I suspect she doesn't like vermiculite so if she doesn't start digging/walking around on it, I'll add more lizard dirt to the mix.

I was told to wait a few days to feed, but how many?

How can I tell what sex it is?

This is the enclosure I'm keeping her in. The substrate is vermiculite and sterilized dirt for lizards. As this is my first one, any tips you have would be appreciated.
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Old Timer
Oct 10, 2005
Beautiful T. Set up is nice, though I would personally keep her in a slightly larger enclosure. Then, I probably wouldn't worry too much because many experienced keepers here keep rosies in setups quite similar. Meh, it's probably just me.
Do you have something in the water dish to help prevent drowning? Rocks are usually good for this, but I always use decorative glass beads just because they look cooler.
I usually wait 3 days with docile T's like this. I only feed my more aggressive spiders earlier than that, because I know they won't be shy hehe. Like my H. lividum is a feisty devil! Not to sound like the most experienced keeper or anything (some people here have been keeping for 20+ years), because I've only been in the hobby for almost a year. Gahhh Anyway, I'm getting off topic...
So congrats on your first T! Rosies are great, not near the "pet rocks" as some people make them out to be. Mine have the funniest little quirks :D My oldest hasn't eaten in about five months and is perfectly healthy lol. You'll have fun with this one ;)
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Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
It's not going to drown.

Everything looks fine to me. I typically do a 50/50 mix of peat and vermaculite and it's always worked well.

As for feeding, you can go ahead and offer some food. If it doesn't eat it in 12 hours or so, take it out and try again next week.

Good luck and congrats on the new addition. :)
