My C. crawshayi sling molted yesterday morning, 12-31-02
When I found it, its shed was stuck to its abdoman down around its spinneretts. So I took my small paint brush and put a small drop of water on that area, while it was still on its back.
The stuck skin came off after a slight amount of rubbing.
It was its first molt in my care, and I'm happy to say he / she is doing fine.. So it was its first molt in my care and my last molt of 2002. It grew from 1/2" to 3/4".
First and last molt, ( got ya !!! ) ;P ;P ;P
When I found it, its shed was stuck to its abdoman down around its spinneretts. So I took my small paint brush and put a small drop of water on that area, while it was still on its back.
The stuck skin came off after a slight amount of rubbing.
It was its first molt in my care, and I'm happy to say he / she is doing fine.. So it was its first molt in my care and my last molt of 2002. It grew from 1/2" to 3/4".
First and last molt, ( got ya !!! ) ;P ;P ;P
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