Firebelly newt terrestrial care?


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I purchased a 6 month old CB firebelly newt. The seller had it in an inch of water under a heat lamp, so upon bringing it home I inmedietly put it in my basement that's in the 60s. I put an inch of water with a rock in a temporary tank because it refuses to stay in the water. This newt is stick thin and weak so that could explain the behavior.

I want to set up a terrestrial tank to fatten up the newt so hopefully it will start becoming aquatic. I wanted to put in sphagnum moss and a shallow water dish but was told the moss is too acidic. It was suggested to just put in paper towel and change daily, but don't plain white paper towels have bleach? How am I supposed to know when it's ready to convert to water if it's in a land setup?

The fact for now it's on land and thin, should I dust calcium and vitamins on its food? I was thinking of buying pinhead crickets, waxworms, flightless fruit flies, and live blackworms.

So far it ate bloodworms and pooped but hasn't eaten anything after, but it's active.