Fire bellied newts and fire bellied toads?


Old Timer
Dec 18, 2007
Ok I want to buy this fire bellied newt and you see they also sell fire bellied toads. So I was wondering if I could keep them together. Because you see this pet store I used to go to also kept them together and they seemed fine. So I just wanna confirm that it is ok for these two to cohabitate?
I would also like to hear any feedback on how easy these guys are to take care of and if there is anything tricky about them.

Only Exotics

Old Timer
Mar 1, 2006
I wouldn't keep them together due to the toxins of each species better safe then sorry. Both are easy to keep the newts like cooler temps room temp is fine you do not want the temps getting into the 80's. The toads will do fine in the low to mid 70's. Both are hardy & undemanding as long as the water is kept clean & dechlorinated. The toads do fine on crickets, small roaches etc.. The newts will eat blood worms, chopped up earthworms & variety of frozen fish food.