Appears to be Lycosa godeffroyi.Everywhere. Don't think there's many spots in Australia without them. There must be alot of species over here though, because some live in cold places near water, some live in basically arid places, some more in very dry places near watercourses etc etc etc
Gardens, the bush, under bark, logs, twigs, in burrows etc etc
Yeah, some species can in certain types of people. I was reading a book called 'Australia's Most Dangerous' and there were some pretty horrific articles about it. Necrotising arachnidism, I think it is called. As for handling them, good effort. For some reason, true spiders spook me, whereas T's don't. I've handled my Selenotypus before, but I don't think I could handle a wolf spider or huntsmen. It's weird, I know that in Australia the fear should be reversed, considering how aggro our guys usually are:?Ive handled the spiders I was referring to quite a few times and let them crawl on my hands. However, I have read that wolf spiders can cause necrosis. So if these spiders are indeed wolf spiders, I don't think I'll be handling them anymore....