Ferret tricks and diy bedding..


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Hey guys, I'm back with some more questions concerning our favorite little fuzzbutts.

I bought my first ferret some two months back, with the help of some members on this board. Since then I couldn't be happier with this decision. They are a great pet and so much fun to watch and interact with! Plus, I meet new people who have also had ferrets.. right now I am ferret-sitting for a woman I work with. Her ferret is a male and 1 year old (as opposed to my female kit). Things are going good so far, but I'd like to know how to make my own bedding. I have a particular design in mind and would like some uniformity to the cage's bedding (I currently have a small cage, but I ordered the Ferret Nation 142 cage by Midwest).

Also, does anyone know any good ferret tricks? I'd like to start training her to do certain things.. like stay on the shoulder.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2008
First and foremost, put a colar with a bell on him, ONLY when you get him out of the cage.

The best and MOST IMPORTANT trick to teach a ferret is to come. Get yourself a squeaker or clicker- I found a squeak toy works best. Also, aquire yourself some ferrite-vite, ferretcal, its a high calorie vitamin supplement that tastes great to them. This is good to use also for nail trimming etc.. Let the little bugger know how good it tastes and they will almost follow you when you are holding the tube. I started out on the couch. I had a friend on in the middle of couch hold the ferret until I squeaked the toy then they let go. Hopefully the ferret will come to the squeaker then you give reward of ferretvite. Have your friend move farther away etc etc until the ferret will follw the squeaker wherever it is in the house. I had mine so well-trained that it would be digging around in the closet upstairs and hear the squeaker. She ran down the steps, came to the living room, climbed up the couch and sat on my lap until I gave her the ferret vite. This trick was sooooo useful in putting the ferret away/finding the ferret. I have heard 100x of people who own ferrets that can't catch them to put them away because they always think humans want to play chase. I definately recommend you to try this out because you will find out it is the most important trick of them all;)


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
First and foremost, put a colar with a bell on him, ONLY when you get him out of the cage.

The best and MOST IMPORTANT trick to teach a ferret is to come. Get yourself a squeaker or clicker- I found a squeak toy works best. Also, aquire yourself some ferrite-vite, ferretcal, its a high calorie vitamin supplement that tastes great to them. This is good to use also for nail trimming etc.. Let the little bugger know how good it tastes and they will almost follow you when you are holding the tube. I started out on the couch. I had a friend on in the middle of couch hold the ferret until I squeaked the toy then they let go. Hopefully the ferret will come to the squeaker then you give reward of ferretvite. Have your friend move farther away etc etc until the ferret will follw the squeaker wherever it is in the house. I had mine so well-trained that it would be digging around in the closet upstairs and hear the squeaker. She ran down the steps, came to the living room, climbed up the couch and sat on my lap until I gave her the ferret vite. This trick was sooooo useful in putting the ferret away/finding the ferret. I have heard 100x of people who own ferrets that can't catch them to put them away because they always think humans want to play chase. I definately recommend you to try this out because you will find out it is the most important trick of them all;)
Thank you for your reply. I'm going to buy some of that vitamin supplement this weekend.

The collar thing works for a little while until she pulls it off.

We're ferret-sitting and the other ferret is much bigger. Like the size of a cat. He plays with our small dog and can hold his own!

I ordered a Ferret Nation cage and it's supposed to arrive today. I'm so excited! I've heard great things about this cage.