Female T life.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
I always hear people having their mature males die of age but never once have heard of a person saying that they had a female tarantula live out her long life.
Anyone has ever had the experience of a female living out her days?


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Now that I think about it... I've never heard anyone say they've had a female die of old age either! lol

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Well I might be the first to say that I think I had a T die from old age.In
1978 I got my first T.It was a adult 6" female B.Smithi.I had it for more than
25 years.It finally died in 2003.In the 25 plus years that I had plenty of ups
and downs with it.Like loosing a leg or having a bad molt.But it always pulled
threw.I bought it as a wild caught 6" adult and it still lived for more than 25
and was more 7" when it died.Since thay grow much slower in the wild than
in captivity.Whos to say who old she was when she died.She could have
been 35 or 40 years old when she died.The last 2 or 3 years I had her she
was slowing down and having small problems.Like irregularly feeding and I think
her last molt was more than 2-1/2 years prior to her death.I didn't think it was
possibly to miss a T.But I still offen think about her.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
WOW! I can only hope to have any of my Ts half that long! I am going on 8 years with my G. rosea, and she was a juvie when I got her... so I am hoping for MANY more years! But 25.. that's incredible!


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Well I might be the first to say that I think I had a T die from old age.In
1978 I got my first T.It was a adult 6" female B.Smithi.I had it for more than
25 years.It finally died in 2003.In the 25 plus years that I had plenty of ups
and downs with it.Like loosing a leg or having a bad molt.But it always pulled
threw.I bought it as a wild caught 6" adult and it still lived for more than 25
and was more 7" when it died.Since thay grow much slower in the wild than
in captivity.Whos to say who old she was when she died.She could have
been 35 or 40 years old when she died.The last 2 or 3 years I had her she
was slowing down and having small problems.Like irregularly feeding and I think
her last molt was more than 2-1/2 years prior to her death.I didn't think it was
possibly to miss a T.But I still offen think about her.
Wow excellent story. Thank you for sharing!