Feeding Pokies with tweezers

Ultimate Instar

Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Yesterday, I handed crickets to my two 2-inch P. regalis from my 5" tweezers. They were outside their retreat but could easily have run inside. Also, they weren't stretched out, trying to mimic tree bark, so I offered them food and they took it. IME, frightened Ts will not eat so I figure that my regalis were not scared. What do you guys think? Potentially, it was a little risky, but Ts know the difference between people and crickets. Also, I'd rather be considered "the bringer of food" and not "the big scary thing that may be dangerous".

Karen N.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Hey Karen

I hand-feed some of my arboreals. I wouldn't reccomend it since i don't think a T will be able to recognize the difference between you as the food-bringer and you as an unknown animal, especially once the feeding response starts to cycle...

While they may be able to tell the difference between you and a cricket, don't take that to mean that you may not get bit. Someone else who hand-feeds their A.avic (A.versi?) recently got tagged.. search for the post if you want.. i can't remember who it was though...

but thats my views on T neurology.. but, um, i'll opt that we won't get into that debaucle again ;)

i notice that the food icu/hand feeding works in certain times. I've also noticed over many years that Ts won't learn to just depend on hand feeding or food ICU. In other words, they'll start to eat once they're getting food back in the cage!

good luck, Poecs are great!
