Fang stuck in molt


Aug 4, 2024
Hi, im here with question, my brothers p.sazimai started molting yesterday at night, when we arrived home, we noticed, that his legs and the whole body is out but one fang is stuck in old molt, i found here a thread and then i was trying to help it with brush and water but he just keeps running away, even when we put him in box, he was always like that, yesterday he was trying to get out of it but today i dont see any progress. Is there anything else i could do? I really dont want him to die, but i dont know what else i can do.



Feb 27, 2025
This is a first from what I've heard but most of the time in the event of a stuck moult, snip away the excess, place tarantula in ICU to help soften up the excess moult (box with few air holes with many layers of damp paper towel there are tutorials on YouTube) and leave for a day or so. After that depending on the response of the tarantula you may be able to assist the spider in its moult by using a q-tip or similar to push at the stuck part of the moult. (When doing this make sure the stuck area of moult is saturated in water because dry moult will tear and cause extra issues). Worst come to worst if the above don't work allow nature to take its course, sometimes miracles occur and if not it's only natural. This is a bad situation and I'm sorry to hear this , but there is still hope. Please update on what happens.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I wouldnt put it in an icu....those things are a joke.....dampen up the may come loose, it may end up losing the fang, which isnt the worst thing ad it can still hunt and eat with a single fang....if you can pinch grab it, this would be the only way you would be able to attemp to work it off with a wet q tip.


Aug 4, 2024
So, i was not able to put him in any box, he is stressed from yesterday and i think because of the whole process of molting and when i opened the enclosure he was immediately in defensive position and when a get close to him he just hid in his hiding place, as i said before, he was always like this. When he was out and calmer, i gave him water on the not molted part, again he was trying to molt the piece but without any progress. I wont be able to pinch grab it, because he is still kinda small and i think i could do more of damage if i tried. I noticed that one of his back legs is also in bad shape, so i figured that he had bad molt, but he can live without a leg, i really dont know how more i can help him:/