False widow? Or something else?

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
So Lori found this girl crawling up our wall at 2 in the morning during some furniture re-arranging. A few searches make me think it's a false widow. Here's some pics (sorry I couldn't get a good view of the underside, but there's definitely no hourglass -- she's also more skittish than my L. hesperus).



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2007
I agree, S. grossa ,they are usually purplish brown with yellow markings.

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
Sweet! Thanks, all. :)

Strangely enough, we caught one at work today hiding in the cobwebs underneath a rack we were moving (thought this one was a latro at first, too).

The one we caught today has a more subtle version of the abdomenal markings on the male featured in the Wikipedia article, but it's fatter and without distinct palps -- maybe an immature female?

I wonder if the first one (pictured) is gravid . . .


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Sweet! Thanks, all. :)

Strangely enough, we caught one at work today hiding in the cobwebs underneath a rack we were moving (thought this one was a latro at first, too).

The one we caught today has a more subtle version of the abdomenal markings on the male featured in the Wikipedia article, but it's fatter and without distinct palps -- maybe an immature female?

I wonder if the first one (pictured) is gravid . . .
Young grossa have whitish markings ...how much of these markings they retain after final molt and throughout their adult life seems to depend on the individual. So far (not enough real science behind this statement) I have not seen the possibility of keeping a morph line going ...though I finally have one grossa that has retain ALL of her juv markings and she has produced a couple of sacs. That gives me the opportunity to see if there is a greater percentage of marking retaining individuals within those broods. Tough part is, these damn things take forever to mature. I have one that I raised from egg sac that is going on a year and is still not mature.

And...Im not sure about this, but I have observed so many grossa juvs with small sacs AND I have collected individuals that molt with captivity and then produce sacs (without my doing ...no pairings, just magic sacs). In fact my fav, markings included grossa was never mated in her enclosure ...she was WCG...but she molted in my care. Her 1st sac has darkened ...its a live sac about to burst. Mysterious little devils for sure. ;)
I want to raise at least 75-85% of her young just to see if any are like her. If some are, I will inbreed for a few gens and wait for the next rare adult to come into my hands.
If anyone is interested in the above "project", get a hold of me. Basically, you get a group of slings, power feed them to maturity and document the results. What we would be looking for is those premium select, hand crafted Steatoda grossa ...ie spider dogshow quality individuals. ;) :D