I haven't kept FWCs personally, but I know a few people who do/have before. They can get pretty good size...about 7 feet fully grown. They are fairly active, so an adult would need a minimum cage of 4'x2'x2' or something close to that. Very neat snakes. You know they are rear-fanged venomous right?
I have a pair of adults. I keep each one separately in a 75-gallon container, since they have such an aggressive feeding response they will fight over food. They are both calm, gentle snakes-except at feeding time! They absolutely go nuts, grabbing at and biting ANYTHING that moves, and even without the venom, a bite from a large specimen would have to hurt! They seem to have really strong jaw muscles; I have seen them bite large rats so hard that the rat's intestines burst out, so it would be difficult to make one release if it did bite you. Long feeding tongs are an absolute must, and a partition in the cage helps, too.
Where did you get you'rs? I know Great Valley Serpentarium has them, but they don't have any right now. The owner, Bill, said he was going to have them later this year. CB babies.
I picked mine up at a "Hot" reptile show in Columbia, SC. I can't even remember who exactly I bought them from. We have two or three shows per year here which allow venomous snakes to be sold-never had any bad incidences.
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