Fair Tarantula Sighting


Old Timer
May 14, 2009
It's not too important I guess but just yesterday I went to the Fair. In a reptile house I saw one tarantula, a Green Bottle Blue! It was the first time I ever saw that species in person, I thought it was awesome. {D It seemed healthy, the guy who owned it was definitely taking care of it better than those pet stores. I so badly wanted to take it home. :drool: Anyone else go to a fair and see a tarantula? It's a new experience for me!


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Hey Autumn, I got into this hobby from going to a "bug fair," and I mean that when I went I thought I was going to see mantises and walking sticks - I was amazed not only at how many spider exhibits and vendors that there were, but at how many people were queuing up to buy them! Furthermore, I got to handle adult Ts, such that by the time I left the fair, I was seduced! I'm like you, I wanted to take one home right then and there. My better judgement prevailed and I did some research and advance planning before I actually got my first T, but the fair was what got me going. I was able to meet a couple of the online vendors that you see mentioned on this blog all the time, and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot the members were there too.

Don't feel it's not important - it's thanks to the fairs that a lot of us can interact and meet these creatures up close and personal - in fact, does anybody know of any coming up in the Los Angeles area?

Anyway, what's your first T gonna be?


Old Timer
May 14, 2009
Congrats on joining the hobby! I already own 5 tarantulas myself.

3 Pink Toe Tarantulas

1 Curly Hair tarantula, just a sling, itty bitty baby one!

Last but not least I have a big female G. Rose Hair tarantula I call 'Matika' from the Jungle 2 Jungle movie. :p

Never been to one of those fairs that sell tarantulas. That would be so exciting! I'd find Matika a boyfriend and maybe a few more additions to my collection.